I feel like a bad mom! I know I'm not but that doesn't make it ok. My 5 year old son has cavities. We took him to get his teeth cleaned and she took an xray and found over 6 of them. Two are bad because we can see them just by looking in!
But get this. He had his teeth checked at school by a Dental Hygienist and they said there were no visible cavities! Ummmm excuse me? I can see one on the bottom. He's got one up top too! WTF If I would have gotten this report prior to taking him to get his teeth cleaned I wouldn't have rushed but because I could see a grey spot on one tooth I made the appointment! I COULD SEE ONE! What the hell were they looking at? Maybe I should change my profession to Dental Hygienist instead of Accountant!
So ok. After my depressing eye and teeth exam for my son and many tears from me at night feeling horrible we get to his appointment to fix one cavity and to make an appointment the week after to do the other one and plan from there! All is good! He's excited! We get there, he sits down! Good good. Get's the freezing gel in his gums! good... Needle goes in.. And... Screaming! Then he refuses to open his mouth! FML We need a specialist! So that should be fun! I have to wait for a place to call me to book an consult in November and hope we can do this before Christmas! It's going to cost us out of pocket and wait for our benefits to pay us back. Hopefully all of it! That all depends on what I have left on mine!
The thing is it's not like we never brushed or flossed his teeth. We just didn't floss enough. She said that over 80% of children have cavities in between the back molars due to lack of flossing. That's it. Simple! Fuck! So now we have a better routine down with school in place! Thank you School!
I also had another mental battle! He's going to lose these teeth! What if our benefits don't cover it all? Our budget is tight. Do we need to do this now?
Here is the research I have found!
"Cavities are the result of a bacterial infection. The infection leads to demineralization of teeth. The demineralization can result in cavities because the enamel is unsupported and collapses. The infection spreads and can cause severe pain and suffering in children. Healthy baby teeth support infant and toddler eating, speech development and establish a healthy environment for permanent teeth that erupt later in life. Healthy baby teeth are also the best space maintainers for permanent teeth" Medicinenet.com
Basically if you can see a dark spot on a tooth it's severe and needs to be taken care off A.S.A.P because it's already in the extreme stages and risks moving down to the roots which are creating a stable route for permanent teeth. If the bacteria decays these routes and these teeth have to be pulled too soon you can risk larger problems with their permanent teeth and costing you more money in the end. Plus also risk a chance that the bacteria can move to those teeth before they even come up! Not good! Yes he's going to lose those teeth but it could be years before that and bacteria spreads in 2 hours on food and counters... I can only imagine how fast it grows in our body! yuck.
So we are taking care of them now sounds a lot better then waiting for them to get worse before they fall out. Which is most likely to happen then them falling out before they get worse!
Here is what you need to do to avoid going through the same thing!
When they get their teeth! Start flossing and brushing twice a day! Get those cool little flossing plastic thingies LOL
At the age of TWO take them to see a dentist and follow their directions! If you have to fix them do it! Do NOT wait! Find a way to pay for it if you are not covered! Their teeth are important!
I feel bad that my Little Mr. is my guinea pig child and I'm learning from him in hopes that my Little man doesn't go through the same thing but aren't all first borns our tester babies? lol
There you have it! My experience thus far with my son and his teeth!
Smile! LOL
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Ah yes lessons! Life is just one big fat freaken lesson! You can either laugh, learn and move on or you can fall apart! I fell apart and am now ready to move on and laugh at myself! I am choosing now to dwell on my stupidity and to never speak of it again. It's done. Over. Past! It's nice knowing I'm not the only one.
I allowed myself to get low over the past few weeks and it's time I snap out of it! I can now see that allowing myself to get low like that is affecting me again and it's showing in what has happened!
So (my gawd I do say so a lot) I'm back to listening to my cd's and saying my mantras! Practice what I preach right!
Happy Wednesday! It's a great day! I have my family!
I allowed myself to get low over the past few weeks and it's time I snap out of it! I can now see that allowing myself to get low like that is affecting me again and it's showing in what has happened!
So (my gawd I do say so a lot) I'm back to listening to my cd's and saying my mantras! Practice what I preach right!
Happy Wednesday! It's a great day! I have my family!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Why do I do that?
I see something so wonderful for a person and I automatically feel depressed and think... That could have been me? OR Why is that not me? OR That should be me!
I've been so focused on the gym I think I'm forgetting to fill my need to be more social. I'm starting to feel extremely lonely to the point that I feel like I can't even pick up the phone and call someone! There are so many days I wish someone would just stop by with a Timmy's or Starbucks to hang out here! I do get tired of always driving sometimes but then again... Maybe I need to get away from this place more. I think I have more of a social life before I went on mat leave.
Now don't get me wrong. I love my family! I am so thankful for what I have! But there are times where I let myself get envious of those with no children, a great career, money, nice house and a fun life. It takes a lot for me to pull myself in and tell myself that I have so much that other probably want! Two children, a husband, a home, a business and a great job to go back to after! I will get that great career, money and nicer house when I'm done my mat leave!
So why do I let myself get like this? Maybe it's a little bit of the baby blues coming a bit late. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the entire house hold to run and clean and cook with no help.
I think it's time I go see my best friend so I can hear all about her days and get out of my head for a while!
I've been so focused on the gym I think I'm forgetting to fill my need to be more social. I'm starting to feel extremely lonely to the point that I feel like I can't even pick up the phone and call someone! There are so many days I wish someone would just stop by with a Timmy's or Starbucks to hang out here! I do get tired of always driving sometimes but then again... Maybe I need to get away from this place more. I think I have more of a social life before I went on mat leave.
Now don't get me wrong. I love my family! I am so thankful for what I have! But there are times where I let myself get envious of those with no children, a great career, money, nice house and a fun life. It takes a lot for me to pull myself in and tell myself that I have so much that other probably want! Two children, a husband, a home, a business and a great job to go back to after! I will get that great career, money and nicer house when I'm done my mat leave!
So why do I let myself get like this? Maybe it's a little bit of the baby blues coming a bit late. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the entire house hold to run and clean and cook with no help.
I think it's time I go see my best friend so I can hear all about her days and get out of my head for a while!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fear of
There is only a few things I'm scared of. Spiders, bugs, bad drivers, scary movies, clowns, dolls, fires and now death. Of course I would sometimes get a sudden fear of losing my husband or my children and I would do everything I could to think of something else. I would lay in bed and cry myself to sleep some nights just out of pure fear! And the one I haven't thought of yet was me. I have not been afraid of dying because I always felt I would live a long long life and hopefully die in my sleep. Until the other night. I got really scared. What would my family do? How would my husband deal? He doesn't know anything about our son's school and what needs to happen with our baby. Who would help him? Would my MIL move here? What about the house and bills and my debt? I don't even have a Will. I need to get on that. Then I think what if our boys lost both of us? What then?
I hate this. I had to write about it in hopes to get it off my chest and understand these feelings and thoughts. I need to changes these thoughts.
I hate this. I had to write about it in hopes to get it off my chest and understand these feelings and thoughts. I need to changes these thoughts.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Found them!!!!
I'm not picky all all! LOL
If you know me you are laughing out loud right now!
And when it comes to shoes I'm the worst! I am not your typical girl when it comes to shoes! I do not love high healed shoes or anything to frilly! I'm your tom boy boot kind of girl!
I pulled out a pair of boots I've had for years and thought it was time to get a new pair! I didn't know I would have such a hard time finding a pair of boots I would love love love!
I went to almost every store I could think of and nothing! Everything was too girly, heals were too thin or too small and there was no hight on the toe part of the shoe! I'm short! I like a bit of hight but not where I'm standing on my toes!
I was about to give up all hope on this years fashion sense when I finally found them!
My boots! I'm going to have to search for my arch supports as these are not the best supporting boots ever! But that's what I get for $80! I was NOT about to spend over $150 on a pair of boots!
Now all I need to do is protect them and I'm set! I also need to find a good pair of slip on shoes too! That's another challenge! bahaha! wish me luck
If you know me you are laughing out loud right now!
And when it comes to shoes I'm the worst! I am not your typical girl when it comes to shoes! I do not love high healed shoes or anything to frilly! I'm your tom boy boot kind of girl!
I pulled out a pair of boots I've had for years and thought it was time to get a new pair! I didn't know I would have such a hard time finding a pair of boots I would love love love!
I went to almost every store I could think of and nothing! Everything was too girly, heals were too thin or too small and there was no hight on the toe part of the shoe! I'm short! I like a bit of hight but not where I'm standing on my toes!
I was about to give up all hope on this years fashion sense when I finally found them!
Now all I need to do is protect them and I'm set! I also need to find a good pair of slip on shoes too! That's another challenge! bahaha! wish me luck
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I let them get the best of me
Emotions are a funny thing.
Over the past year I have learned to embrace the "lonely" feeling. Accepting that I am truly not alone and that my thoughts can move mountains if I allow them too! But yesterday I allowed my emotions to get the best of me. I actually felt alone. Really alone. Yet I had both my kids with me and I'm sure if I tried I could have found a friend to come over. But when I get that way. That woe is me kind of way. I have a hard time reaching out. As much as I love seeing people sometimes it's nice to have them come to me! But of course right now I have a slight cold and those I normally see I didn't want to pass it on. I allowed the littlest thought bring me down. I do my best not to cry in front of my son but yesterday I couldn't help it.
So why did allow those thoughts to take over? Why couldn't I stop myself or even laugh at myself for thinking such silly things? Lack of sleep? Lack of help? Busy weekend finally over? Being sick?
I really wanted someone to take over and take care of the house, dinner and me for once! But that's a dream I'll have to keep dreaming.
I never worried about Post-partum Depression this time around. I normally know how to get me out of little funks now. With my first I had major baby blues! I couldn't do much without feeling major fear or breaking down. But this time I can feel the happiness. I can feel the love flow through me! I can think rationally (most of the time) and see other options. Except for yesterday.
Today was a better day! I don't feel alone! Of course we had a busy day. Doctors appointments and then the dentist and of course my attempt to find a new pair of shoes! Ugh. Now that should have made me cry LOL There is NOTHING out there that I like! Stupid! And my son has cavities! Didn't cry! Yeah me! My house isn't such a mess but I did enjoy how clean it was for Thanksgiving!
I guess emotions are all based on Perception! What I perceive to be true or false. Is something worth stressing over or not. This morning I chose to be happy and calm! I thought of my ocean front view safe place!
The rest of the week is going to be busy. Another appointment tomorrow. Gym Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning! Baking a cake, cleaning a house and planning for 7 kids to come over Saturday! (handed out 16 school invites - 2 have rsvp which was part of my sadness yesterday) I think I'll pick up 10 goody bags! And I need to get back to my high veggie and fruit intake too! Damn Thanksgiving stuffing and mashed potatoes! mmmmm
Life is good! And it always gets better! I am allowed a sad day now and again right?
Over the past year I have learned to embrace the "lonely" feeling. Accepting that I am truly not alone and that my thoughts can move mountains if I allow them too! But yesterday I allowed my emotions to get the best of me. I actually felt alone. Really alone. Yet I had both my kids with me and I'm sure if I tried I could have found a friend to come over. But when I get that way. That woe is me kind of way. I have a hard time reaching out. As much as I love seeing people sometimes it's nice to have them come to me! But of course right now I have a slight cold and those I normally see I didn't want to pass it on. I allowed the littlest thought bring me down. I do my best not to cry in front of my son but yesterday I couldn't help it.
So why did allow those thoughts to take over? Why couldn't I stop myself or even laugh at myself for thinking such silly things? Lack of sleep? Lack of help? Busy weekend finally over? Being sick?
I really wanted someone to take over and take care of the house, dinner and me for once! But that's a dream I'll have to keep dreaming.
I never worried about Post-partum Depression this time around. I normally know how to get me out of little funks now. With my first I had major baby blues! I couldn't do much without feeling major fear or breaking down. But this time I can feel the happiness. I can feel the love flow through me! I can think rationally (most of the time) and see other options. Except for yesterday.
Today was a better day! I don't feel alone! Of course we had a busy day. Doctors appointments and then the dentist and of course my attempt to find a new pair of shoes! Ugh. Now that should have made me cry LOL There is NOTHING out there that I like! Stupid! And my son has cavities! Didn't cry! Yeah me! My house isn't such a mess but I did enjoy how clean it was for Thanksgiving!
I guess emotions are all based on Perception! What I perceive to be true or false. Is something worth stressing over or not. This morning I chose to be happy and calm! I thought of my ocean front view safe place!
The rest of the week is going to be busy. Another appointment tomorrow. Gym Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning! Baking a cake, cleaning a house and planning for 7 kids to come over Saturday! (handed out 16 school invites - 2 have rsvp which was part of my sadness yesterday) I think I'll pick up 10 goody bags! And I need to get back to my high veggie and fruit intake too! Damn Thanksgiving stuffing and mashed potatoes! mmmmm
Life is good! And it always gets better! I am allowed a sad day now and again right?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving!
Any holiday that involves cooking a turkey just makes me glow! I'm the type of person that has always wanted my house to be THE house to go to! My mom is a great cook, my grandfather is a great cook! But growing up the TV "family" type of scenario was not always there. I'm an only child with divorced parents and there wasn't a lot of family in town.
Any ways I always dreamed that when I had a family I would make new traditions mixed with old ones I knew growing up and holidays would be at my house! I dream that my sons friend will want to hang out here and when my kids have kids they will come here!
So today I woke up and started cooking!
I cut the onion first and my son was a bit disturbed that I was sobbing at 9am LOL Try and explain that to an almost 5 year old! "Hunny, Onions make your eyes water! So it looks like I'm crying but I'm really not!" Should have taken a photo #facepalm
We have onions, celery and apples added to boxes of Stove Top Stuffing! I also use Epicure Apple and Sage spices with Salt and Pepper! Yes I use boxed stuffing mix! I may be ambitious but not that ambitious! lol
Turkey is stuffed and seasoned! I use Epicure Turkey seasoning, Salt and Pepper and a shit load of butter! Mmmmmmmmm butter!
My little helper! Dad and big brother went out to get me Starbucks! :D Or as Hubby calls it - "One over priced pretensions cup of coffee!" (by the way I drink Soy Chai! Not coffee! lol )
The start to the veggies and more stuffing! lol
Looking Good! Both my cousin and the Turkey! ;)
My wonderful Husband finally contributing to the dinner! LOL My cousin giving the thumbs up to both a wonderful turkey and hubby actually carving! LOL She carved at Xmas last year LOL So was excited she didn't have to today! (Hmmm over used of LOL?!?)
Come and Get it! :) (Turkey being carved)
I learned to buy paper plates during Holiday! LOL
Dishes 95% complete! Thanks Amanda! :)
And finally my first attempt to making soup! I'll let you know how that goes!
I was talking with my cousins tonight about how I tend to spend to much time dwelling on others. Wishing I was that pretty or that skinny or this and that! And why? Why do I not just look around and embrace what I have because the people I dream over are probably doing the same thing with me! I was also asked to list three things I love about myself. I had to really think because my automatic thoughts are what I don't like! I came up with my eyes (lol), my ability to finally thing more positive (most of the time any ways) and the fact that I have never given in (my strength)! Of course my weight I something I'm not a fan of but the truth is I'm healthy! And I wouldn't fall apart if I didn't reach my 130lbs goal as long as I can look in the mirror and zip up those size 8 jeans! The last 13lbs is pure vanity! You are so right! It is! And I am damn ok with that! I am proud that I can see and know the difference! I want to be able to look in the mirror and love myself! But I'm thankful that I have the ability to even do that! I have a very good life! No I may not live in the best area of town, drive the fanciest car, have the greatest paying job (although I think I'm doing very well and know I will do better) but I'm happy! When it's all said and done I'm happy! Even when I go to bed pissed of at my husband LOL I love him and what we are creating!
I sure hope everyone had/have a great Thanksgiving (And for my US friends next month!) and really put any negative, annoying, petty, pointless issue(s) aside and take a hard long look at what you have accomplished and be thankful! Be proud! Enjoy!
My joy! My three loves! Thank you!
Friday, October 7, 2011
A New World for my Baby!
Today we went to Superstore to pick up Little Mr's first pair of glasses. They had a promo going on where kids ages 4 to 10 got a free pair! Thanks that we saved $120! The funny thing is I went there today thinking I still had to pay $40. When we picked them out last week we got a phone call after saying that his prescription was too high for the free pair but we will still get a major discount. So when it was all said and done and my bill said ZERO I smiled nicely, said thank you and left thanking the Universe as well!
We go in and sit down to try on his glasses for any minor adjustments and when she hands them to me to put them on Little Mr. they were Burgundy!!!!!! Ummm The colour he picked was a copper colour? I do not want to wait another week for the colour to be changed! Thankfully she was able to switch the lenses right there for us! Little Mr. did NOT want burgundy! I didn't blame him LOL I love the colour! Mine are burgundy! But it's not a colour for a 5 year old!
While we were waiting for them to be adjusted to his size we had to go look at toys! He managed to scam a new car out of me! I know his birthday is a week away but I figured for this life changing experience I told him he could get this one car for wearing his glasses all the time!
I managed not to cry as well! My baby looks so different now. I'm very proud of him! He says he can see better now! We have to make another appointment in a month! Hopefully his eyes get better as he gets older! But that's not up to me! I might have to look into better coverage when I go back to work! lol
We go in and sit down to try on his glasses for any minor adjustments and when she hands them to me to put them on Little Mr. they were Burgundy!!!!!! Ummm The colour he picked was a copper colour? I do not want to wait another week for the colour to be changed! Thankfully she was able to switch the lenses right there for us! Little Mr. did NOT want burgundy! I didn't blame him LOL I love the colour! Mine are burgundy! But it's not a colour for a 5 year old!
While we were waiting for them to be adjusted to his size we had to go look at toys! He managed to scam a new car out of me! I know his birthday is a week away but I figured for this life changing experience I told him he could get this one car for wearing his glasses all the time!
I managed not to cry as well! My baby looks so different now. I'm very proud of him! He says he can see better now! We have to make another appointment in a month! Hopefully his eyes get better as he gets older! But that's not up to me! I might have to look into better coverage when I go back to work! lol
Thursday, October 6, 2011
It's still good...
Daycare is closed tomorrow at the gym. This puts a damper in my work out hard before I stuff my face with my yummy turkey dinner!
But that's ok! I did go twice already and I have to go Saturday morning! I'm doing good! Better then I ever have in years! And I have amazing support! That helps so much! My hubby had made me want to be a better person in so many ways! At the end of this month I will be smoke free for 7 years! Of course a big thanks goes out to my old boss Andy and my old room-mate Jen! And with the help of suckers, chocolate covered coffee beans and knitting! But the biggest help. The fact that I started dating a man that did not smoke! The best thing I have ever done! :) Thank you all so much!
7 years! This Thanks Giving I'm thankful for those 7 years! And here's to the rest of my life!
This weekend I plan to take photos of my day in the kitchen and out family event then blog about it monday! Have a great few days and Happy Turkey Turkey Day!
But that's ok! I did go twice already and I have to go Saturday morning! I'm doing good! Better then I ever have in years! And I have amazing support! That helps so much! My hubby had made me want to be a better person in so many ways! At the end of this month I will be smoke free for 7 years! Of course a big thanks goes out to my old boss Andy and my old room-mate Jen! And with the help of suckers, chocolate covered coffee beans and knitting! But the biggest help. The fact that I started dating a man that did not smoke! The best thing I have ever done! :) Thank you all so much!
7 years! This Thanks Giving I'm thankful for those 7 years! And here's to the rest of my life!
This weekend I plan to take photos of my day in the kitchen and out family event then blog about it monday! Have a great few days and Happy Turkey Turkey Day!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Almost there!!!
I weighted myself wrong the other day. I did it after I worked out! AND today my big number is... 143lbs!
Pardon my language here but FUCK YES! lol
I feel so good! I'm 13lbs away from my goal! Which is also 5lbs down from where I was prior to getting pregnant again. I was 128lbs before I got pregnant almost 6 year ago. And I was 135lbs before baby last year. So I'm setting that goal of 130lbs! I want to squash a few of those negative sayings about weight after your second pregnancy!
And of course it's really not easy. I'm craving sandwiches and I did have some pizza! But by not having it every day and choosing wraps over subs also is a big helper!
I didn't get to try Zumba today. I just did 35 min of hard cardio and a few abs. It was a good one! I love that my gym is 3 min away! Makes going there so much easier!
I have 3 more days of classes before my big ass Turkey Dinner! Talk about cutting out bread only to stuff myself with my yummy stuffing! mmmmmmm
Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably my favourite times to cook! I love love love to cook!
Hopefully I don't gain too much over the weekend! :S lol
Pardon my language here but FUCK YES! lol
I feel so good! I'm 13lbs away from my goal! Which is also 5lbs down from where I was prior to getting pregnant again. I was 128lbs before I got pregnant almost 6 year ago. And I was 135lbs before baby last year. So I'm setting that goal of 130lbs! I want to squash a few of those negative sayings about weight after your second pregnancy!
And of course it's really not easy. I'm craving sandwiches and I did have some pizza! But by not having it every day and choosing wraps over subs also is a big helper!
I didn't get to try Zumba today. I just did 35 min of hard cardio and a few abs. It was a good one! I love that my gym is 3 min away! Makes going there so much easier!
I have 3 more days of classes before my big ass Turkey Dinner! Talk about cutting out bread only to stuff myself with my yummy stuffing! mmmmmmm
Thanksgiving and Christmas are probably my favourite times to cook! I love love love to cook!
Hopefully I don't gain too much over the weekend! :S lol
Monday, October 3, 2011
My Fun Little Project!
A while ago I came across Sunshine And Carousels Blog. I fell in LOVE!
While reading Erin's blog I seen these beautiful Sunflower Velvet covered Jars! And I thought I want to do that for Thanksgiving! All I need is most of the material and something to put them on! We didn't have place mats until now either!
So off I went to Walmart and Fabric Land! Now mind you my little trip to Walmart cost me $80 :S I intended to buy Sunflowers and Place Mats. I also bought a few jars of starter food for baby to find out what he may like instead of making an entire batch, Fruit, Socks and a few other misc things! Not good Erin! lol anyways I digress.
I found the perfect velvet material in Fabric Land and will be going back there to cover our crappy couches! And on the table it sat for a week.
Today I volunteered at my son's school for their field trip so I asked my mom to watch baby for me! When I got home her was still sleeping so I thought why not do this with my mom!
It was sure interesting! And fun! Now let me tell you! Do NOT follow Erin's instructions to cut and thread LOL Well you can if you want! I tried and it was horrible looking! So of course my mom made fun of me for trying the way the blog said to and was right! hahahaha
All we did was cut our a squarish (i'm not very good at cutting straight) piece. Put the jar in the middle and pulled it up and stuffed it inside and tied the string tight and put the flowers in!
SIMPLE! Mommy was right! :S
I now have a beautiful center piece made by my mom and I! And it was a wonderful project to do with my mom!
I can't wait for Thanksgiving! Turkey Turkey!
While reading Erin's blog I seen these beautiful Sunflower Velvet covered Jars! And I thought I want to do that for Thanksgiving! All I need is most of the material and something to put them on! We didn't have place mats until now either!
So off I went to Walmart and Fabric Land! Now mind you my little trip to Walmart cost me $80 :S I intended to buy Sunflowers and Place Mats. I also bought a few jars of starter food for baby to find out what he may like instead of making an entire batch, Fruit, Socks and a few other misc things! Not good Erin! lol anyways I digress.
I found the perfect velvet material in Fabric Land and will be going back there to cover our crappy couches! And on the table it sat for a week.
Today I volunteered at my son's school for their field trip so I asked my mom to watch baby for me! When I got home her was still sleeping so I thought why not do this with my mom!
It was sure interesting! And fun! Now let me tell you! Do NOT follow Erin's instructions to cut and thread LOL Well you can if you want! I tried and it was horrible looking! So of course my mom made fun of me for trying the way the blog said to and was right! hahahaha
All we did was cut our a squarish (i'm not very good at cutting straight) piece. Put the jar in the middle and pulled it up and stuffed it inside and tied the string tight and put the flowers in!
SIMPLE! Mommy was right! :S
I now have a beautiful center piece made by my mom and I! And it was a wonderful project to do with my mom!
I can't wait for Thanksgiving! Turkey Turkey!
Following Blog
Looking ok...
Ummm this is not looking so good
my mom doing it the "Easy" folding it up way!
Alright! I can deal with that! And it was way easier
And for my Martha Stuart moment! Our finished Project! :D
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Take it Off!!!!
Since moving out of my comfort zone and going to those classes at the gym I have lost 4 lbs.
I am 146lbs! Around 36 inches in my mid section. My thighs could be 22 inches. I don't have a proper measuring tape for bodies. Next time I'm at the gym I'll get them to measure me properly and see if I've even lost any inches in the past 2 months. Although I've been more determined and disciplined these past two weeks.
So to help with my drop 20lbs goal I signed up for an extra class on Sundays for the month of October. Minus Turkey Turkey Day! It's called Take It Off. I didn't sweat as much as I did in my step class yesterday but today was more to find out where we are level wise. And it was HARD! But I enjoyed it! I go 3 times a week! Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. I might add in Thursday mornings! I have to go this Thursday because we don't have class on Sunday! Mmmmm Turkey! lol
I did indulge a bit this weekend but that is ok. Like I said I am not going to deprive myself. Plus I have to remember I am still breastfeeding. So I can't cut out to much out of my diet. I also need to work on my water intake still LOL. I've increased my fruit intake so I know that's helping a little. I was told today to drink half my weight in oz of water... That's at least 73oz of water a day! That's 5 and a bit of my water glasses a day! I maybe drink 3 glasses (42oz) a day. Today I've had a bit more. So I'm sure if I have two more glasses tonight I'll be fine!
Here are my BEFORE photo's taken by my soon to be professional photographer 5yo son!
I am 146lbs! Around 36 inches in my mid section. My thighs could be 22 inches. I don't have a proper measuring tape for bodies. Next time I'm at the gym I'll get them to measure me properly and see if I've even lost any inches in the past 2 months. Although I've been more determined and disciplined these past two weeks.
So to help with my drop 20lbs goal I signed up for an extra class on Sundays for the month of October. Minus Turkey Turkey Day! It's called Take It Off. I didn't sweat as much as I did in my step class yesterday but today was more to find out where we are level wise. And it was HARD! But I enjoyed it! I go 3 times a week! Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. I might add in Thursday mornings! I have to go this Thursday because we don't have class on Sunday! Mmmmm Turkey! lol
I did indulge a bit this weekend but that is ok. Like I said I am not going to deprive myself. Plus I have to remember I am still breastfeeding. So I can't cut out to much out of my diet. I also need to work on my water intake still LOL. I've increased my fruit intake so I know that's helping a little. I was told today to drink half my weight in oz of water... That's at least 73oz of water a day! That's 5 and a bit of my water glasses a day! I maybe drink 3 glasses (42oz) a day. Today I've had a bit more. So I'm sure if I have two more glasses tonight I'll be fine!
Here are my BEFORE photo's taken by my soon to be professional photographer 5yo son!
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