I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, January 30, 2012

My Compelling Vision

It's a cool morning in Calgary. The sun is up and bright! Looking like a wonderful day so far! I get into my car for the very last time. It's bitter sweet really. She was MY first real car. I bought her myself! Wish my own money! And now it's time to move on! We have simply just out grown her. It's Saturday. I'm thinking how thankful I am to have gotten most of my paper work ready the day before! I know how easily distracted I am today! I also picked Saturday to get my car because I didn't have to worry about the boys. I didn't have to rush with anything today! I pull into the dealership just down the street from my work with butterflies in my stomach. I can't wait to sit in my brand new Toyota Highlander Hybrid! BRAND NEW!!!!! AND A HYBRID!!!! All thanks to Passion Parties and my team! I enjoyed the process of picking out all the bells and whistles with my new truck! As I park my car I can see her sparkling in the sunlight! Shiny Pearl paint! I walk into the dealership and they greet me with a coffee and my keys! I start to cry and am all smiles! I run out to her, open the door and push that button and start her up! I love that I get to PUSH A BUTTON! OMG

All the paper work is done! She is mine! The windows are open, music is one and I'm driving home in my New Toyota Hybrid Highlander!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hello 29!

This past Thursday was my 29th Birthday! And it was as it has been since becoming a mother... Just another day! But my boys made it special! As they always do!
My husband started buying me unique roses! Which I am so in love with! It says a lot about me! I love flowers but I don't want just plain red, pink, yellow or white roses. Nope! I love colours! And now I get them! Each year!

Steve also took me out to my favourite Italian restaurant in town! It's predictable but I love it! We only go once a year! I get my escargot, rack of Lamb, glass of wine and cream caramel! He wanted to take me out of town but our beautiful baby boy put a stop to that this year! I'm looking forward to next year! Going out of town will make turning 30 that much better I'm sure!

Here I am dressed up for our dinner! 2 lbs away from my goal weight! And I'm feeling good! I'm very proud of what I've accomplished in my 20's and I know I will make the best of my last year in my 20's. I don't feel like I'm a year away from the big 3 0 but alas I am! When I was younger I remember thinking 30 was so old. Either I was very wrong or times have changed so much that it's not what it used to be.

My oldest asked me where all my balloons were and if we were going to have a big party! I told him I've has so many birthdays that I don't need a big celebration any more! He said "Well I've had a lot of birthdays too, mom!" Super cute!

I am very thankful! I have a wonderful family!

Here's to the last year of my 20's!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear 16 year old me

Dear 16 year old me,

You think life is hard now? Just wait! It's gets better! The world you think you know now is going to change! The people who you think you can't live without will go away! You will grow apart! Move on! Grow up!

That photography class you wanted to take... Take it! That book you wanted to read... Read it! And that boy you think who's the greatest being in this world... Run away! He's not! And the money you will make working every weekend... save it! That girl in class you wish would be your friend... say hi and embrace it! That girl you wish you would be instead of yourself... Don't listen to that thought! You are amazing just the way you are! And she's probably thinking the same thing!

I would love to tell you to not smoke or drink but you are smart enough! And you end up giving it up anyway! And tanning isn't really your thing! If you want colour stick with gardening and kayaking! You love being outside and in nature! You should embrace that more!

The advise you get from adults is actually great advice! You should listen! Especially your grandparents! They are trying to help you! Really! And you don't know everything, and you never will! Trust me! And it's O.K to ask for help! You're not alone! You've seen a lot! Drugs, dealth, loss! All unhealthy! But you can and will change! Being dark and depressed is not the answer! Moving forward towards the light is! Learn to have fun in life!

When given the opportunity to try something new, jump at it! Believe in yourself! You have the entire world in the palm of your hands! You just need to realize it!

Dear 29 year old me... See everything you wished you would have know back then!

It's time to listen to your heart and go for it!

It's time to take your dreams and turn them into reality!


The dream you want for other people are theirs to go for! You can't make it happen for them! All you can do is go for yours and hope they see how you are doing it and follow suit!

And don't forget everything in life is a choice! You are the only one who makes them for yourself! You can not put blame on others for not having the life you want! So go get it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Dinner Battle!

Dinner time can be hell in this house!

My 5 year old son fights us every night about what we are eating, how much he is going to eat, what he is going to get after and so on.

Here's the thing. I'm not the kind of mother that gives into his every want when it comes to food. I make sure he has a balanced diet! I want my boys to grow big and strong and be healthy! Sugary breakfasts, snacks and junk food is extremely limited or non-existing in this house. I will not buy the "Kid" branded cereal. He get's Berry Special K, Honey Nut Cheerios, Mini Wheats and the odd other somewhat healthy cereal. For a breakfast treat I got him Nutella! Lunch he gets a grenola bar and a fruit snack sometimes around a fruit cup, yoghurt, sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon, cheese and so on.

Dinner we keep to a minimum as well! We indulge on the weekends. Friday you can guarantee it's pizza night in this house and Wendy's on Sunday! Saturday night varies when SMB is playing but if the band isn't playing we go to Brewster's for cheep wings! Week days our usual is Chicken but I'll also make Spaghetti, Pork, Fish and the odd beef dish. This has been the way for years so I don't understand why my 5 year old still fights us on what we eat at dinner. Everything I cook he has admitted to liking! And if I'm not in the mood to fight I'll turn to spaghetti! We make KD on the busy nights or stop at Subway!

A typical night usually consists of him trying to negotiate a "treat" after having only 5 bites of his dinner, whining he either is not hungry or doesn't like it or just plain refusing to eat! I don't want to starve my kid. I need him to gain weight so I can upgrade his car seat to a booster and put his brother in his old one! We have two so I could very well just move one from one car to the other however Steve's car is NOT family friendly and dealing with that would just be a big pain in the ass. But if this guy does not gain 5 lbs in the next few months for his safety dealing with a pain in the ass issue will just have to happen! Safety over convenience right?

The night before last we made Salmon! And that's another dish I can usually count on a minimal fight. Once he has a bite he tends to eat it all! Last night however the fight was starting! I was making his favourite BBQ Chicken thighs because he loves the skin! I added cheese and cucumber slices. He asked for salad and no rice! All this after telling me that he wanted KD and that he was sad that I wasn't making it. He then told me he was mad at me and not hungry. During dinner he ate the cheese, cucumbers and the apples that were in the salad and the bbq chicken skin. The chicken and lettuce still untouched. Steve and I finished and his brother was almost done too! I was very surprised at how much his brother had eaten! At 9 months old he almost out eaten a 5 year old! I gave him a small piece of chicken cut up, cheese, half a tomato, cucumber, yoghurt, sweet potato puffs and I think that's it! I was happy to see not that much had ended up under his bum! He's getting better at feeding himself! As we were finishing up and getting his brother ready for a bath we pointed out that he had eaten more then him and he was a baby! As I was bathing his brother, Steve was explaining that because he's a 5 year old boy he needs to eat more if he wants to be the big brother! This was a big help! He ate everything without a fight! Because he didn't want his brother to be bigger! LOL And then he asked for a banana and a yoghurt after... Maybe he's growing

Tonight is swimming so KD it is and my guy is thrilled. I'm thankful there's still salad in the fridge. The last few times I had KD I felt gross after. I'm a big fan of making my own mac and cheese but it's time consuming and I don't have enough cheese to make the sauce or I could do it before hand. There's also the option of using the slow cooker! Which I also love dearly! But again. We are lacking groceries and I'm to lazy to go out and get them! I guess in a way tonight is giving in. But whatever! He's going to swimming tonight in minus 30 weather... I'll give him this!

I sure hope I don't go through this with my baby. And I know I should be thankful for a light eater at the moment because when both of them are teenagers I'm be needing a 3rd job or 4 extra parties a month just to fund their hunger!

So in the end I get him to eat what I make but it usually ends in tears and yelling by both of us!
I really don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow night...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

10 Tips to Stay Healthy this Winter

Winter has yet again shown her true colours! Minus 20 to minus 40, snow blowing weather not including the wind chill! And then the statuses start. "I'm getting sick" "I hate being sick" "I am not getting a cold" and so on!

Here is my personal opinion in staying healthy! And tips and tricks I've used for myself! You have to remember that everyone is different and you must not do anything half assed! Just saying!

Of course when my oldest started school this house got sick more then we ever had. Flu and colds! I had a 24 hour flu and a very very very minor cold when everyone around me got that three week deep cold! Yeah me!


I know we have all heard it before but is it ever true! Colds thrive on sugar! If you do not treat your body like a temple then it will not be strong enough to fight off these nasty warped bugs out there! Try and buy from your local farmers market! Do we really know what's in those pesticides? Why are more people over weight and sick? But I digress! Support your local farmers either way!


This ties into the healthy eating! Working out has multiple benefits such as reducing your risk of stroke and heart disease, weight, joint pain, high blood pressure and of course help balance your mood! When you are all around happier and feel healthy you will not be thinking negative thoughts that may bring on those pesky colds and flu symptoms! It all ties in!


Do I need to explain this one? No more excuses! Just do it!


Drinking water will help cleanse your body! Your entire body will radiate! Your hair and skin will love you as well! You should take your current weight and divide it in half. That number will give you the amount of ounces you should be drinking in a day!


I don't know what this is at the moment but it's true! Let your mind and body rest and recuperate from the day before and you will feel great!  


Just like that commercial says. "Not all bugs need drugs"! And it's true! Wash your hands after you use the wash room, go out shopping, touch anything! AND try to avoid touching your face while you are out before washing your hands! This is a good habit to get into and pass along to your children!

And my personal tips to do if you feel a cold coming on!!!!


In hot water the second you feel that pesky sore throat come on! I can't take cold meds. I'm still breastfeeding. I read this a long time ago so I thought I would try it out when our wonderful son brought home the worst cold of the season.  I did this every few hours until I didn't feel the sore throat trying to break through! Try it the next time you feel it! Let me know if it works for you!


The minute you start to feel the sniffles you go out and get those single servings of V8 Fusion and add 1/4 tsp or more to each bottle and drink! I find that they are cheaper at Shoppers but not all shoppers carries them! Or you can use any other juice I guess. I recommend the veggie/fruit mix!


After my cayenne gargle I find brushing and flossing those pesky germs out of my mouth helps me out a lot to keep that cold at bay!


When I was pregnant with my second son I had to start seeing a Chiropractor for a sciatic nerve problem. I couldn't walk 5 min without being in tears! 3 visits and it was gone! I continues to see my Chiropractor because I was finding that not only was I sleeping better, I felt better and wasn't getting sick! The week he took off at Christmas last year and me over doing the painting of the baby's room pushed me over the edge! But when he was back I got better fast! I was one of those people who were scared of them! The whole cracking of the neck thing. But I love it! The more research I do the more I understand how much they can benefit you in a healthy life style! And of course people say it's not a cure all. Yes I believe it is! But like the gym, you can't go once and expect a six pack! It has to become a part of your routine! And most benefit plans cover up to 12 visits!

"My vision is to create a safe, wholesome environment for drug free healing. The world is full of over medicated and sick people who need our help. True health comes from within and we tap into that potential with every adjustment. I know this for certain, any time you put synthetic chemicals into your body there will be a consequence that disrupts the natural order of your body's function." Dr. Paul McConnell

Image provided by google search

Monday, January 16, 2012

I am Good Enough

I've never really known what it is I want to do with myself! I'm slowly unfolding that! I remember earlier this month seeing an email about another training program put on by my leaders to grow my passion business and as always I let fear get in the way! I have done this with everything in my past. Singing, rock climbing, rugby, art... I let that annoying voice inside my head take over! "You are not good enough! Look at them! They are so much better then you! What were you thinking?" ALWAYS!

Even today. Right now. At this moment! Wanting so bad to be successful at something! Trying to see myself as an Executive Director with Passion Parties! Going out and helping woman by either showing them to products or have them join my team and grow their own business! EASY! So easy that so many woman do it every day!  And there's so much room for so much more! Then why am I letting this thought creep back in again?

Until now!

Now I'm going to laugh in it's face and change that though to "I AM GOOD ENOUGH"

I decided to put on my "big girl" panties and jump in with both feet and sign up for this program! I also believed it was the "Universe" giving me the answer I was looking for when my Sponsor called me up to see if I was interested! I was flattered! Because she not only thought of me but called me! They still have faith in ME!

2012 is about change for so many people! And I am one of them! My mantra this month has been helping too! "I'm a Money Magnet"!

Today I'm spending my afternoon in my office planing my vision for myself and putting together some hostess packages! Dreaming up my big dreams and not holding back! I am successful and it's going to get so much better! This time next year I'll be setting new goals, dreaming up new dreams and going for that next level in business! Because there is only one way to go and that is up!

I would really love to do this with someone! Together we can hold each others hands, motivate and lean on as we grow! If you are reading this and have thought in the past that Passion Parties might just be for you then now is the time to give me a shout and join my team and do this with me! February is the official START date but I'm starting my lessons right now!

Think about it! But don't think to long! Deep breath! "I'm a Money Magnet who is Good Enough for everything!"

Bring it on 2012~

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back to Reality!

My son had 3 weeks off at Christmas! He goes back to school tomorrow! While over a week ago everyone was cheering for joy that it was back to school time I was planning on filling my week full of play dates and Stir Crazy visits to keep me from wanting to kill my child. But he ended up getting sick so we were stuck in the house most of the week.

I went crazy today I'm at the end of my rope. I never thought I'd be so happy to send my child off to school! I can't wait to have 6 1/2 hours of no questions, no whining, no crying and no fights! I'm tired of being the only go to person for everything. I'm ready to kick, scream and cry myself! And I laugh a little at myself because in all reality, it's not that bad! It could be worse! He could be worse! But I think this is just something a parent goes through. Or any person for that matter when you spend so much time together!

Mommy needs a break! I'm about ready to give myself a time out! I should have bought myself a bottle of that yummy Raspberry wine from the farmers market today!

The upside to tomorrow is my son going back to school! The downside is I have to get up before 7am and get back into my routine! As much as I want this I've also enjoyed the idea of sleeping in! It's like a mind trick! Stay up until midnight and get up around 9am! Tonight will be a struggle for all of us!

My todo list for this week consists of:
Hostess Packages make and mailed
Samples to make
Kit to reorganize
Money to transfer
House to clean - bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dinning room & living room
PTA meeting
PVR to set up

And I'm sure a few things my brain is blocking out for now!

Time to find my motivation again! Find that happy feeling or sense of containment with myself I had before Christmas! I'm scared to step on that scale at the gym but I also know that if I do what I was doing before I'll have nothing to stress about! Not to mention going to the gym is a huge stress release! I feel so good, I'm less tired and less bitchy! Steve will be happy!


How's your reality going since school started? Are you still sticking with your resolutions as I'm just starting mine?

Saturday, January 14, 2012


We own a duplex! For the first two years plus I thought we lucked out with the shared wall. I thought for sure it was really well isolated as we never heard a thing! Now I'm thinking maybe it was because I wasn't home 24/7 and the previous people residing there were not loud people! All because the people that moved in this past summer are HELL! All I hear is bass all day and all night. We have called the renting company and complained so many times. Some days I'm thankful it's not rap when I can hear every word to Blind Melon and other days I really don't want the sound of bass being the background music to my life!

Don't get me wrong. We are not quiet people either but we are not loud people. We love music! My husband is a musician! But when we are home we like quiet! We don't have house parties. We have summer time family and friend get together/BBQs! We (I was already in bed) Steve and the guys had the cops called on them once two summers ago because they were outside having an acoustic jam late after my cousins wedding! The cops let them finish the song, complimented it and then asked to stop! Nothing major coming from this house for sure!

Last night Steve had practice! I didn't have a party booked so it was another night with the boys! Some days I love it and others I go crazy! I spent my night playing with them and working on my blogs. Earlier I heard the typical sounds we've been hearing for the past few months on a daily bases. I'm not to sure if I want to snap or just learn to live with it. Like learning to live with the sound of a nearby train or construction site. Although I'm sure it stops before 4am!

Around bedtime I had to stop and listen. There was no music. No sounds from next door. They must not have been home! And it was blissful! But at the same time a bit odd. It felt like the first time we moved here getting used to the "house" noises. Questioning every sound. Wondering if it's just the wind or are the toys downstairs actually coming to life and playing! Maybe I've watched Toy Story one to many times. Steve even commented on the peace and quiet last night and he doesn't notice it as much as I do. I have those cursed mother ears which will be a blessing once my boys become teenagers.

This morning I was thankful for a night of peace! I had a somewhat good sleep! I was able to fall back asleep right away after my 3 night feedings! Pure bliss!

I hope that the sounds stop or they move! The property manager is not going to like me very much when I have to get up at 5am every morning for work along with the night wakings of my baby!

And on that note the bass begins! At least it's daytime!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Feeling a bit BLAH?!

Do you ever get that overwhelming feeling of BLAHness?

It's boredom, tired, stressed, scared and lonely all at once. But for no good reason? It's as if I'm coming down from a major high.

I've been cooped up in this house all week except for my 2 hour outing yesterday with my sick boy. I haven't really "talked" with anyone and I'm scared to call a friend to chat because I don't want to "bother" them! REALLY?

I'm pacing the house almost like a stir crazy cat. I have my list of things that need to be done around the house but I feel as if I will break down in tears if I attempt to clean because of my 9 month old who is following me around everywhere will make it so difficult.

I find it kind of amusing how I have a hard time asking for things. Like right now. I want to hear about someone else's life! What they are thinking, doing and wanting.

Well that's it for my Woe is Me post LOL My baby is looking for my attention! Time to go be a mom!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why Being a Parent is a Gift!

Parenting is hard! It's not always fun! Sometimes it makes you want to kick, cry, scream and pull your hair out! Oh wait I already do that... But with all this in mind, it's all worth it!

I always wanted to be a mom but never knew what to make of that want! It was up there with wanting a new car and a better job. It had so many unknown thoughts accompanied within itself that I was a bit unsure of how I would handle motherhood!

Then the big day came! The moment I realized I was expecting! I was getting ready to have a bath. I wasn't feeling very good over the last few days! (lol that wasn't what gave it away) As I was taking off my shirt I brushed my nipples and oh my fucking gawd the sensitivity... I knew right then and there! I had two HPT in the bathroom to double check my intuition! Positive! Within seconds! Both times. One I even just dipped in the toilet! I lowered myself into the bath and sobbed. Out of fear! Out of the unknown! I was 23. Really age wasn't a big deal but I was still young! Steve and I had only been together for just over a year. We talked about marriage and family but not this soon. I cried alone for about 20 minutes before I got the courage to tell Steve. I got up, warped a towel around me, still dripping I walked to the couch. Crying I told him! His response was that we will go to a doctor and go from there! He was comforting.

After the initial shock of that life changing moment and of course the confirmation from a doctor we started to get excited! We were going to be a family!

Over that past 5 years I have grown along side our son. As he learns, I learn! I think people forget that! Being human doesn't come with a manual just as being a parent doesn't! It's another stage in life where we stumble through with questions, doubts and ah ha moments just like the other stages in life. I remember coming home one afternoon and Ethan turned to me and said he was sorry. He was 4. This took me by surprise because he hadn't done anything wrong that day. I asked him why he was sorry and he explained it was for making me mad that one time... I started to cry. I sat him down on the couch and had a little heart to heart. I wasn't sure how much of this he would understand but it had to be done. I told him that we were both learning. That when he does something bad that makes me mad it's not forever. I explained that I'm doing my best as his mom just as he does his best to just be! That together we will work as a team. We won't always get along but he should never once doubt my love for him. And he only has to apologize once! The next day is a new day! I have a very sensitive boy!

Steve and I planned our second baby. Steve is 4 years older then his brother and wanted that age gap between our kids. I wasn't to sure about it but agreed and am very thankful I did! We found out we were expecting number two in the spring of 2010! Over the moon we spoke to soon. At 8 weeks I lost the baby. It killed me. I still cry to this day thinking about how that could have been my daughter. I try and make fun of the fact that she got a glimpse of the relationship I have with my mother and thought twice about joining that mess! After a few month I was mentally ok to try again! And we were blessed with another boy! Jaden was born in the spring of 2011. So I thought maybe he was the baby I lost and loved spring so much that he would prefer to be born then instead of conceived! Either way I will never know! All I know is he's my second gift! Another miracle!

This time it's easier. Being a parent to a baby. I'm not questioning everything. I know what to do most of the time! I've learned how to learn my baby's language! There were a few rough patches of memory loss but I eventually figured it out! And this time I have my true friends going through it with me!

Yes parenting is hard but I'm very thankful I get to experience it! I don't always think I'm right and I still have my doubts but I'm learning to listen to my heart! Everyday I wake up and think about how lucky I am to have two amazing boys! They make me laugh, cry, want to scream, go crazy and every other emotion in the book! But I now know the true meaning of unconditional love! And that is the best gift I've every received!

And there is so much more to this gift I have yet to experience! Isn't life grand?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

I'm sure like many I'm opening my arms to 2012!

A new year full of so much possibility! This is the best time to dream, visualize, plan! Today is a day of hope! A day where you can turn your back on the past and take that first step into the future with ease.

But really it's just another day. Like any other. It's just a number on the calendar. We should be able to do this every day! We have a one bad day so the next we wake up and move forward. And yet it's hard to do that on a "regular" day!

There is something special about January 1st! Something magical! As one of my Passion Sisters would say... A day with more Sparkle!

@insanemamacita and I were talking about how we were not going to set any "New Years Resolutions" and yet we can't stop thinking about them! That's the hopefulness seeping through.

2012 will bring change and growth to my life. So much will be different and instead of being scared I am starting to feel excitement! Learning to embrace whatever comes my way! I learning in 2011 just how strong I can actually be! I gave birth in my home! No drugs! In water! WOW! And I learned to pray! A lot! And I seen a real miracle! Twice! All of which is what will be bringing the changes into not only my life but my friends and family too! The band, going back to work, my son and his school and the so much more!

I hope you don't set your bar to high this year! I hope you can sit down today and take a good long at what you want or would like to see! I hope you realize that your life is up to you and no one else! Have faith in yourself! And enjoy every minute of your days! Because I also learned last year that life can end in a blink of an eye!

Last year I set a goal to believe in myself more! And I wasn't sure I accomplished that until now!

This year my goal is just as simple but challenging at the same time! Embracing who I am and growing with it! A mother of two who wants to learn more about my accounting life and move up in that world, continuing my hobby with Passion Parties and exploring more of the life of a blogger! I have always dreamed of being a writer, photographer and singer! Yet I never believed I was good enough! This year I am good enough! One step at a time!

Happy New Year Everyone! Best wishes for 2012! Thank you for everything you all have done to help me along my journey of life! Especially my husband! I love you!