It's been forever since I've blogged. I don't have a lot of free time at my new job and when I get home I'm running around trying to keep up with our life and fall into bed immediately after my boys go down!
On Canada Day I flew my oldest son out to Vancouver Island to spend just over two weeks with my grandparents and my cousins boys. While I was there I felt this overwhelming sense of peace and joy! Something I rarely feel at home.
It got me thinking (again). What will make me happy? I know I am the only one who can create this feeling inside of me. I started thinking about my core desire feelings again! In December I purchased Danielle LaPorte's book "Desire Map" and haven't even read it. I think I need to put down the books I'm reading right now and start on this one! I also need to start my meditation practice again. I've been pushing that aside and choosing to just crawl into bed. But it's true to what Gabby says around not making time to meditate. "Do you have time to feel like shit?"
It was also brought to my attention last night that money does not make you happy. I knew this. I've heard of this. But I finally seen it. So regardless of your financial situation happiness comes from inside! I have a goal to pay off my debt (as does the rest of the world) but I have this old belief that I will be happier? Maybe because I feel I could afford to finally do the things I desire. Banff trips, signing up for a pottery & painting class, joining a climbing gym again, taking level one Kundalini teacher training, camping and so on.
Which brings me to my personal project. Project Happy! You know that moment you sit yourself down, analyze the life you've created and ask yourself WTF. Why am I unhappy? Why does this life not bring me joy? Why do I look at what others are doing and wish I was doing it, but am doing nothing to change that? I know I need to be outside more. So that's my plan! Even if it's just going to be me going for a run or heading out of town for the day to go hiking. I will most likely drag my kids along with me! Pack a lunch and off we go! I am doing it! I'm sick of not doing things I used to do! I'm tired of myself dreading the thought of going home at night or not really looking forward to the weekend. Project Happy is my plan to change that! I have the time now since I stopped doing parties.
So where are you at?
Are you happy?
If yes, what are you doing?
If no, what are you going to do about it?
Will you join my Project Happy...