I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Preparing for My Return Back to Work

Yesterday I submitted my proposal for me to return back to work full time. April 3rd. 6:30am. Back to my original position.

I wrote about how I realized this time around that I'm really not the SAHM type here in December. I still agree with that 100%.

However, my heart is aching. I'm actually full of mixed emotions. I'm excited to go back to work. I can't wait to see everyone and get back into my old routine and the flow of things! One reason is because I'm so lonely. Don't get me wrong here. I see people but with one in school and around nap times and errands I haven't found the time to really socialize with the people I love as much as I wanted or thought I could. I'm ready to feel needed more then just a source of nutrition and cuddles.

BUT... That's what makes my heart ache. The cuddles. The Games. The Laughs. Ethan was walking by now. Jaden has taken a few steps but what if he doesn't really make the big steps until I go back to work and... gasp... I MISS IT.... sob.

This is the hardest part. The torn heart. I still wonder if maybe just maybe one day I'll find myself wanting to be home full time. I have the tools to be able to! But it's not a want yet.

March will be full of trying to find a routine. Re-budget for the extra costs of childcare and soaking up as much love as I can to help me make it through the days at work!

I know I'll be fine and I know he will be fine! Who am I kidding. He's going to be great! I'm comforted knowing he's with someone I trust and love with all my heart. I never have to worry! And if I get the "Your child is bleeding" phone call I know it's because he's a boy! lol

The other stress will be the transition for the boys in the morning. I will have to do my best to make the morning routine for Steve go very smoothly. I will have to make lunch at night, lay out both boys clothes at night and also have breakfast to go ready for both boys. Ethan can join breakfast club to eat at school and Jaden can eat at his dayhome.

I'm sure April will be a shit show! Not to mention my busy Passion schedule I'm super excited for but I also get to plan Birthday number 1!!!! Yeah!

Will I be able to find my sanity or will I lose more of it before catching a break LOL

Stay tuned!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Finding MY Voice

If you've been reading my tweets or my blog you will have some knowledge of my desire to write. I took up a program to help me "Write My Mess". I didn't think it would be easy but I didn't think it would be hard either. My mess is so big I am finding it hard to pin point a mess to write about. Where do I start? Do I pick a past timeline and how far back would I go? Or do I choose to write about my current life? My current frame of mind? WHERE DO I START... sigh.

I will probably have to go back and re-write lesson one again. I should be doing this weekly but of course LIFE got in the way and now I'm behind. But that doesn't mean I can't start all over again. 

Lesson Two is finding your VOICE... Your writing voice. All I can think of is it's that voice that is reading everything I'm typing right now in my head. That voice that makes fun of my mantra's that I'm trying to train. That voice that lists off everything I have to do or have done. It's that constant blah blah blah blah... blah! 

My voice is based on experience too. If something happens that I know about or have strong feeling towards it pipes up loud and clear! Oh me... listen to me... I know about this! Here is my opinion! HELLO! Why are you not talking? People need to hear this! 

I'm also trying to figure out how my voice and my ego fit together. I'm still on my journey to become at peace with myself and my surroundings. At peace with the choices I've made in life and the things I've manifested over time. Also to figure out where I will be not only taking myself in the future but my family as well! 

So where does that voice fit in? When will I finally say to that voice "Yes, that's it! Right there! That is what we are going to share!" 

With the idea of wanting to write a book in mind I need to figure out first what I want it to be about. The only idea right now is about my life as I remember it! My journey to NOW. But that NOW is constantly moving forward. I'm only 29. Why should I write a book now when there is so much future ahead. And then that voice or ego pipes up and says "Hello Erin, that will give you more chances to write more books!" 

Then that question comes back around. "Where do I start?" What's the bases of this book? What kind of energy do I want people to get out of it? I don't want it to be a woe is me type. I feel no woes about my past. And I don't really remember a whole lot either! 

Sigh. How to find my voice? not so easy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Bit About ME!

The other day I told Steve that he's the only person who goes to Tim Hortons and doesn't bring me home a coffee. He told me that he's never sure what I'm drinking that day. And the truth is... He's right. I'm always changing. Always on the new thing. One day I'm drinking coffee and the next day I'm not or I've switched to teas or lattes. He can't keep up! Poor guy.

I tend to start things and NEVER finish them! I started knitting a blanket for Jaden. Found an error the was too far to fix and haven't finished it. I fantasize about being a really great reader and want to get into all these books and learn things but the truth is I hardly ever finish them or they take me FOREVER to finish! I want to learn to write! So I paid for this online thing and did part one out of six! Have not been able to find the time or energy to do something for myself! I will always take care of someone else before myself. Codependent type. I like to fix things. Or help people. I'm shocked I haven't quit Passion Parties yet but I love the products and the people! The money is nice too! I'm very loyal! I've worked at the same company for over 5 years between two kids. It's family to me. Even if there are days I feel I deserve better! I know my life will bring me what I want when I really want it because I'm really good at manifesting! I just need to learn to be patient and of course learn to believe in myself!

My favourite colours are Burgundy and Turquoise!

I LOVE Starbucks and you can never go wrong with bringing me a Soy Chai No Water Latte! I'm also good with anything non-fat!

I HATE SWEETENER. Anything with artificial sugar is the worst thing in the world. Makes me want to puke.

If you go to Tim's I am good with a Single-Single, French Vanilla Coffee or one of their new lattes with Vanilla Spice!

I love fruity teas too!

When it comes to dinner I will never turn down a dinner date with Sushi or Vietnamese.

Dark Chocolate is my new love!

Also Perrier! Strange but I am in love with Soda Water now... And if I'm out I like a Soda Water with a SPLASH of Cranberry Juice.

My alcoholic drink of choice is a Belini! But anything with Peach Schnapps will also be a good bet! mmmm

I also have a love for a more laid back hippy style! I hate skinny jeans and can not wear heals! It makes my big toe hurt. You will see me usually in jeans and a t-shirt unless I'm working!

I don't care about cards, flowers or love notes. I would rather get a phone call and a hug!

I will NEVER EVER watch a scary movie ever again! Yes I can still scare myself and run up the stairs like a little girl thinking a monster is after me! AND if you hear me starting to sing something teeny-bopper in the shower I randomly thought of the movie IT and has scared myself!

I'm more down with a chick flick, comedy or action film!

And of course lately I've come around to the Secret way of thinking! The Law of Attraction! Why you think becomes your reality! I love mantras and positive sayings!

I LOVE Butterflies!

I also love beautiful art but it's hard to describe what it is I really love. You'll have to browse my Pinterest page! But I will be attracted to womans figure, landscape, flowers and of course butterflies! I love colour but I also love black and white!

Things I wish I was good at or wish I could learn to do:
Photography, painting, gardening and house work ;)

 My Favourite Movie, well I really don't have just one. I love a lot of movies but Tank Girl and Amalie are in the top!

My Favourite Band of course the Steve McQueen Band and I'm a big fan of Esthero!

That's really it for now! Unless I can think of something else or get asked a question! ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Have Them Too!

Bad days that is.

I used to be very depressed. I have worked very hard to work that out of my life and be all around positive! I love being happy! I love being on the right side of the bed and believing that everything happens for a reason! I feel great when I can brighten someone else's day! Smiles all around! Shit happens! Deal with it and move on! So why not just make the best out of everything right?


There are some days where I just want to crawl back into bed and say "Fuck You" to the world, cry and hide for no particular reason at all!

There are days where I wish I could just walk away from my responsibilities. Pull the covers over my head and never open my eyes. I don't want to be an adult or a parent let alone a wife. I need to be taken care of too! And right now I just want to scream! sigh.

Ok. I'm done...

That is all

Friday, February 17, 2012

One Step Closer

Tax time is around the corner and I got my Student Loan invoice updates!

I am currently paying $282.17 per month for two loans. One will be paid off in 3 years and the other will be paid off in 6 years! My oldest son will be 11 years old if I continue to pay the minimum. I can not do that. Something has to change! And that something will be me!

Yesterday I sat down and broke down what I would have to pay additionally to pay off my loans by the end of the year. Along with my current monthly payment I would have to pay $975.92 a month to have them both gone by December 31, 2012! Ideally that would be great but realistically I will set my goal to be student loan free by the end of 2013!

Right now I'm going to work on my BC Student Loan. It's the smallest and the longest repayment plan! I am going to use what I make from Passion Parties to pay this off.

In order to not only pay off my loan but possibly pay off both and even have money left over for a rainy day I will have to book over 5 parties each month and set my sales goal for over $3000 each month!

I can do that! I did it this month and I'm almost there for the next two months!

Now it's time to keep plugging away at contacting leads and doing what I do best! Have fun!

If you would like to help me reach my goal you can book a party or join my Majestic Passion team and pay off your own goal!

This is overwhelming and exciting at the same time!

"I am a Money Magnet"

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Skin Care

I don't think much about skin care. I use Spectro Gel in the shower! I will sometimes put on face cream with SPF and that's about it! No toners or other creams! I try to wipe my face down with warm water every night but that doesn't always happen.

But I'm getting older. O...M...G... I am starting to notice changes to my skin. Lines and stress!

I'm thankful my face doesn't break out as much as it did when I was younger. However that's not a good excuse to not take care of my skin like I did back then either. And I'm sure my rep would be smiling and nodding with me while reading this! High Five Erin!

I purchased The TimeWise Miracle Set! I used it last night and my face still feels soft. Oh shit right I should go wash my face! LOL I know I have a sample somewhere in my bathroom. Anyway I digress.

Now they claim that in a 12 week study 83% had reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. 25% had improvement on skin elasticity. 100% had softer skin. (Which I agree with already after one use) And 46% had improvement on even skin tone!

SOLD! LOL And I got this set 50% off! yeah me!

I already have half the book marked and folded for the two other parties I have to go to over the next two months. I have put away some of my Passion earnings to spend at these shows. One is for my friend who booked last night and the other is for my Networking Circle!

No more ageing myself 3 days faster then I need to be and I'm supporting a great company and local friend! I used to say I can get it cheaper here but the reality is I would rather support locally now and pay that extra few $$$ then give it to a corporation that is probably using child slave labour overseas like Apple is.

If you are looking for great skin care products or another item you know is a part of a network ask me! I have great consultants I can hook you up with! And of course don't forget about Passion! :)

Time to go wash my face and down two glasses of water!

Thank you Erin with Mary Kay for spoiling me last night! And thank you to everyone who came out! I think I will be hosting again in the future for sure! But closer to the end of summer! I will be stocking up on Christmas gifts for everyone with Network Company Products from my circle!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Avoid an Accident...

If you know please tell me! Ha ha

Last night I got into my very first car accident. A very MINOR one. I slid through a light honking my horn an right into a lady who didn't realize that HONKING MEANS I CAN NOT STOP!
She complained a bit and I told her that this could have been so much worse. My insurance will pay for her damage! We are all OK and no one is hurt. We can all walk and talk! And it was her lucky day because I offered her Passion Products if she wished! I also told her to count her blessing and about Dave and his stroke! I hope I helped her put reality of the matter in perspective! I amused the insurance lady anyway!

I was pretty impressed with how easy it was to take care of the situation. I am also thankful that it was very minor, no one was hurt, my children were not with me and that I took out the car seats that night and have people with me that had been in accidents before! I feel like a complete idiot. I'm embarrassed I couldn't stop because I felt there could have been more I should have done. Turned left instead of right. Maybe I could have drove 20mph instead of 40. I don't know. I feel horrible. I have to sit myself down and remind myself that yet again, it all has it's reasons in which I may not understand but it happened. And now the only thing I can do is move on! All reports are filed. Her car will get fixed and my car. Well I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do. It's not a serious crack!

So I thought I would right a reminder to everyone on how to avoid being hit! In my case, even though I'm trying to think of one, there was really no way I could have avoided this. It was up to her to pay attention and not go right when the light turned green with the road conditions!

If the roads are poor here are some things to remember:

1. Slow down! We all, including me, need to start realizing the life is more important then being on time! 

2. Keep your distance between cars. Do you really need to be that close. On highways you should be at least 5 Mississippi's... That's right count with me. 1 Mississippi, 2... LOL Drivers Ed 101! 

3. When at a light count to 3 before entering the intersection! And make sure all traffic has come to a complete stop! The asshat behind you can honk and be pissed off all they want! You will be safe and accident free! 

4. Be patient with other drivers. Stop judging and refer to steps 1, 2 and 3! 

And last but not least

5. If you do by chance get into a minor accident where everyone is OK. Be thankful! Cars can be fixed. Money is meant to be spent! 

Drive safe everyone! Especially here in Calgary! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

My Love Affair with Social Media!

My love affair started on February 26, 2007! Thank you new Facebook Timeline for giving me that date!

Before then I had chat rooms, MSN Messenger and email! I spent my time on the computer doing school work, playing games and chatting! It wasn't really a big part of my life. Until I had my baby!

When I was introduced to Facebook I was sucked right in! Finding people I haven't talked to in years. Seeing what everyone else was up to! Reconnecting with long lost friends. Making new friends! It was magical!

Facebook officially became a part of my life! Planning events, living vicariously through other people while browsing their pictures, and seeing who comments on whatever happened that day. And to this day, 5 years later, I still do the same thing! As Facebook evolved, so did I. I started my own business in 2009 and Facebook allowed me to advertise and connect with other people in the industry and so on. Steve calls it the New Aged way of putting up posters. It's a great tool for his band too! We both would check it daily but wouldn't be on it 24/7!

My affair grew in 2011 when I had our second son. I joined Twitter and started blogging! My life with Social Media became a true addiction. And once I purchased my iPhone it's even worse! I no longer use MSN, not a fan of Google + and I forget about chat rooms. I can be reached by Facebook, Twitter, Email and text!

My life now revolves around these two Social Media sites. I eat, sleep, breath them. My phone is on me all the time and I'm constantly checking Facebook and reading tweets! I laughed at the one commercial I seen where someone was talking about how sorry they were for those who didn't have accounts. How was it possible to live a life without Facebook or Twitter? And I wonder that myself. I tent to forget about people if they are not on my Facebook. And I wonder how do they stay connected with friends? I'm horrible at phoning people up! I think the only person in the world I really worked on staying connected with is my friend Jen! Her and I used to write to each other until long distance phone plans came into play. Then we would call and chat and then the computers grew and so did our connection. We haven't yet but we are now on Skype! Even better! We Skype with Steve's Mom back in New Brunswick for the kids! Best thing EVER! And Facebook keeps her and other family members up to date with Pictures!

Twitter is more for me. It's a new place for me to meet new people and read blogs and learn to write myself! I love it! And I try and keep family to a minimum on my follow list. I've seen a tweet where someone said "Facebook is where we lie to our family & friends where Twitter is where we tell complete strangers the truth!" Author unknown. And that couldn't be any more true! People have blogged about how their twitter friends have become more like family. How they can count on the people on Twitter to be there for support and even help move or meet for coffee! And I would probably help someone out on twitter faster then I would for someone on Facebook. Depending on who and what it is.

Before I got a smart phone I would get mad at Steve for constantly checking his email and Facebook on his phone when we were out doing family things. I do my best to put my phone away when I'm out with family. But at home I'm always on my phone. It's bad. I should probably check into a Social Media Meeting for help.

But I won't! Because I love it! I love that I have met so many new people! I love that I have a page for my business and a page for my blog! I'm excited to see how they will both grow in the future! I love that I've started writing and plan on saving money for not only my Passion Convention in 2013 but also hopefully a Blog Conference too! I'm missing one in Edmonton next month because I'm just not prepared financially.

Social Media has opened up doors for me I don't think I would have found with out it! I still have a life. It's mostly around raising my two boys right now but when I'm not working a Party on the weekends, I'm out dancing to the Steve McQueen Band or cuddled up in bed with my boys! This mat leave I haven't actually done any "Play Dates". I've actually stayed away from "New" mom's. I had a bad experience once and also can't stand all the judgements people have around babies and motherhood. It's crazy out there! I've left Facebook groups because of it!

So there you have it! My Love Affair with Social Media! A completely new world inside another!

And don't forget to click on my Facebook Link and LIKE my page and follow me on twitter! LOL

What's your favourite part about Social Media? What do you use it for mostly?

Images courtesy of Google Search! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What I Really Want for Valentine's Day

Ah yes. Valentine's Day is next week! All you see being promoted is dinners, chocolates, flowers, cards and for me... Passion Party items!

I worked in the restaurant industry for a while. Valentine's Day was nothing but a big cash grab! Overpriced food and double bookings to get people in and out so we can get as many turn overs per table as possible! Not Romantic at all. And because I usually worked dinner was never anything special for me. We would try and go out on another night but the truth is. I really didn't care. I don't want to go out because it's Valentine's Day. I want to go out just because. And two children and 4 jobs later... that just because hardly happens.

This year hasn't changed. I may not work in a restaurant but I do not want to go out. I don't want flowers and I don't want chocolates (unless it's dark with almonds) and I definitely do not want a card. I don't want to be romanticized. I am to tired to be romantic right now. There is one thing I do want that might... Just might get my juices flowing again! AND possible relight that dead flame inside of me after having our second son...

I bet if you are a mother or know me personally you can guess what that one thing might be.


That's it. That's all I want for Valentine's Day. I want someone to come and clean my kitchen, my bathrooms, my bedrooms, the living room, the toy room and do my laundry.

I would cry if that happened! It would be a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I feel like a housewife failure every day because our house is a complete mess. It's gross. But I'm fucking tired. Even when my dear son lets me sleep longer then 3 hours I'm still tired. Between getting one ready for school and the other one not letting me be for 5 seconds to make him something to eat let alone me I'm surprised I'm even a nice person! Then I have to add on trying to run my own business and grow my own business and reconnect with everyone on my team so they know I do actually think about them daily and care! By 3 I have to pick up Ethan from school to come home to a messy kitchen from last nights dinner to have to clean it up and cook again. Then it's the dinner time battle, bath time, story time and bed. With what I feel like is another battle asking for help!

So if he can't help me then he can pay someone to help me! So maybe I can actually feel like being romantic is something I would like to do again. Because right now. I have nothing! And the funny thing is I have what I need to bring that flame back. It's sitting right beside me while I'm typing this! Pure Satisfaction in a bottle! AND I know it works! BUT... at this point. Why should I even bother!

How sad is that?

Valentine's Day is just another day.

Who's with me? If I was a house cleaner or keeper... My god I would be promoting the shit out of this to husbands of wives with more then one child!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Depression - Mental Awareness Day

Today a twitter friend @insanemamacita told me she wrote a post about her mom's alcohol problem and that today was her birthday! She also did it for @Bell_LetsTalk day of mental awareness!

This got me thinking about my own mom and our struggles with her Bi-Polar disorder.

The truth today is I'm not sure where she's stands. If she still treats it with the vitamins from True Hope or if she went back to medication. I have never asked. Because I was scared to ask. Until today. She said her bi-polar was triggered by her drug use and still has bad days but does not take anything for it any more!

Growing up I seen my mom as the "Erin Brockovich" type of woman! She was strong and beautiful and smart! Not to say that she still isn't but that was my image back then. She worked in real estate and then moved to appeasing. At night she would lay on our couch reading her correspondence school books, knitting and watching tv with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth!  She worked hard!

The turning point where she fell off the wagon that I remember was the death of her sister. I remember hearing about how she had to be dragged out of the funeral hall because she was trying to crawl in the casket to be buried with her sister. I tried reaching out to her for comfort and she walked away. It was my aunty that gave me the hug I needed. I was a baby. It killed me. I can't even imagine what my cousins were going through. I will never forget that day! Anyway I digress

That's when I remember the fighting started more between my mom and her alcoholic boyfriend. The drama, yelling and physical fighting. Years later we finally move out. I could go into details of some situations with my mom and her depression but I'm not ready yet. The worst was when we moved out. She started using again. Or at least I became aware of it. We started hanging out more and more at a local tattoo shop and became very close with that group of people. We moved beside drug dealers and had the owner of the tattoo shop move in with us! I remember Ronnie coming home from the bar before my mom and sending me to bed. I would wait up for her. I know realize he was trying to protect me. Or a group of our friend in their 20's would stop by my house and order pizza and have an after party there! I enjoyed that! I loved that group!

Here is where my mom really fell off the deep end. Ronnie committed suicide in our basement while we were sleeping. It woke us up. It was so loud but mom told me to go back to sleep thinking it was something outside. I seen the basement light on and was going to go down and see Ronnie until I got very dizzy and laid back down on the couch where we were both sleeping with our dog Chuey. That morning while getting ready for school I told mom I would go get Ronnie up because he had a doctors appointment that day. I decided to brush my teeth first. I then walked halfway down the basement stairs and turned around because I had to use the washroom. Three attempts to wake him up and all three times something made me not! My mom found him. THAT is what broke her. I seen the basement after but I never seen Ronnie and I thank my Guardian Angel every day for that!

After that things got worse. Her drug use got worse along with her depression. I was then taken away. I lived in a foster home for the summer and then was moved to Vancouver to live with my grandparents!

My dad's wife at the time helped my mom clean up. She got a job and lived on her own again. And then moved to Victoria to be closer to me. By then we had moved there too. My mom then started to become over medicated. She lost herself. Early on she would mix alcohol and her medications. I remember her acting so strange. My grandmother tried to get her to go do rehab but she refused. She then became over weight and mentally unaware. This broke me. I would write down every medication that stupid excuse for a doctor had put her on for her bipolar, shaking, anxiety, not sleeping, sleep walking or whatever other side effect one was giving her at the time. The worst part was that a lot of these medications counteracted each other. I would go to visit her and worry about finding her dead. Or get a call that she had burned down her apartment. She smoked. She would also fall asleep mid sentence. She ended up in a coma once. The ICU doctors didn't know if she would pull out of it or not. I used to get so mad because my grandparents had banned her from our home. I understand now that they were only trying to protect not only me but themselves. This was a huge burden on their marriage!

By the time graduation came around and I had decided to move to Calgary I bought my mom a cat! I didn't want her to be alone. I was scared. It was a long time family friend that introduced her to True Hope! They helped my mom over the course of a year wean off these horrible medications. And they brought her back to life!

My mom lost the weight, is no longer taking medication and is back on her feet! Of course there is an entire book to be written about the middle parts of a lot of this post.

Depression is hard. I struggled with it. People need to know that they too can get help! They need to talk about it! But they also need to know that not every doctor is about helping!

If you know someone with depression please tell them about True Hope! Let them know they are not alone!

This is all I can write for now! Thank you for reading!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's ALL Falling Apart!

My house that is...

I was so excited when I finally twisted Steve's arm to buy a place of our own! I was so sick and tired of living under people and it not really being "ours".

The down side... When it breaks it's not as easy as picking up the phone to get it fixed. Well it is but that costs money! And if you are like us who are not as handy, it costs more!

Here is my list of things that need to be fixed in our house! But so far isn't a major need to fix...

Flooring - Carpet gone and put lino in kitchen and bathroom. Redo our stairs as it's falling apart
Front Door - Need new with screen door and flipped around to open other direction
New Outlets - We have to bend the plugs so they don't just fall out! And if it's heavy you are SOL... Better get an extension cord
New Kitchen Tap - Or at least have someone else try and fix the damn thing because I failed!
Something to do with our piping and back water valve - $1500 we need to save for and look into in the summer. November was NOT a good month in 2011~
New Closet Doors
New Bathroom Door
Proper Back Splash in Kitchen
Wouldn't mind a Soaker Tub! ahhhhh :)
Don't get me started on the bad tiling in the bathroom downstairs
Fix the Hole in the wall I found behind the boards in Jaden's room... ugh
I don't really want to know how old our electrical wiring is...

The rest of my list is really just cosmetic really. New trimming around the house, repaint my bedroom and basement. New light fixtures in the kitchen, dining room and upstairs bedrooms.

In reality I really really really would love to be on a Home Makeover Show and just have them fix it all! But if that can't happen (I know Twitter will help me connect to someone ~ right...?) I'm starting to save! I'm going to put what I can away so I can just pick up the phone and say... Come do this, this and this and not lift a finger! Although as handy as I am, I don't want to do it myself! I will however help if I'm on TV!!!! :oD

I'm not ready to move either. I like where we are! I love the school Ethan goes to and how central we are for travelling around the city! 15 to 20 minutes away from almost everything! And in reality what more do we really need? We have 4 bed rooms and two bathrooms and two living rooms! My perfect house will have 5 bedrooms, an office, dinning room, big kitchen, walk-in closets and a double garage! But I don't NEED it right now! I am happy with my first home! I just want to make it better!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Everything in life is a CHOICE!
From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed you are making choices!
What you will wear, who you are with, what you will eat, where you work, how much money you have, where you live, kids, transportation, hobbies and so on!
I have to admit I have my days! I am not perfect! I however am making the choice to be better!
I'm so tired of reading online that people have no money or aren't happy and so many other negative comments.


If you are not happy with YOUR life then only YOU can do something about it!

Need more money? Ask me what I do! I wasn't making enough at my job to properly save and plan for future expenses like oil changes, home & car insurance or birthday presents! So I went out and started a home business and I also asked for a raise at work! When I go back to work I plan on learning more so I can again... make more money but I know I can't expect that right away! No! So what am I doing? Working my business even more!

Unhappy in a relationship? Either end the damn thing or go to couples counselling! But stop bitching! It's not going to change anything! Crying gets you no where! You must change it! Change your thinking about the other person! Stop seeing only bad and remember what made you fall in love with them in the first place! Start making an effort again! Start LOVING again!

Stressed out? Take things one step at a time! Write it all down and work down that list! Write out what you need to do and how you are going to do it! AND learn to say NO! If you can not do something you are allowed to say NO! Stop filling up your plate so full you can't finish it!

Over weight? Get off your ass and stop going to McDonald's! Eat better, cut out sugar and go to the GYM! Or become ACTIVE! You really don't need a gym membership! Start walking and move to running OUTSIDE! And pick up a $10 video to learn about weight training! Don't be afraid of weight training! You actually burn more calories this way! You need balance between that and cardio!

Can't lose weight? If it's medical that's a different story! But you need to see what you are doing and if it's not working for you then CHANGE SOMETHING! And remember everyone is different! There are so many body types! Not everyone is going to be a size 0! Hell I will never be anything less then maybe an 8! And I am happy with that! Because that is who I am! Look at who you are and be honest with yourself! Are you setting unrealistic goals? Are you cheating through the week with the mentality that "everything in moderation" works? Are you taking in way too many calories during your cheat day to counter act with your weekly work outs/healthy eating habits?

Life is not meant to be hard or complicated! It's supposed to be fun!

But when you do get overwhelmed! Because I know I do! And when you really do just want a "Woe is ME" moment or can't see an out with a current situation then here is a piece of advise I got from Dane Wild:


That's right! But not forever! Just for a day! Or even a week!

Do nothing!

And then! Find your way back to your happy place and keep moving forward! Keep working! Life is not going to call you if you haven't given it your phone number!

Be happy with every choice you make! Even if that choice ends up being wrong! Know that you have the choice to change it!

2012 is the year for change! What are you doing to change your life?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I am more confused then ever

I decided to jump into Wordpress. This have proven to be a huge struggle for me. I do not understand it. Blogger is so much easier. I need an actual human to come to my house and walk me through it all. I'm usually a fast learner. Especially when it comes to computers and such. I purchased a domain name at GoDaddy and thought ok cool now I can download the program and create my blog from scratch. Wow not as easy. So I go to the wordpress.org domain hosting suggested companies and get a different domain thinking downloading wordpress would be as easy as a click of a button. HA! Again WRONG... WTF am I doing here? 

I think this will be a long process for me! I am enjoying my new adventure with writing and the blog world. I want to grow with this and become something with it! But for now I will remain a beginner! And I will go and actually read more on Wordpress which was shared with me from a wonderful twitter friend. 

I really dislike not knowing what I'm doing. This feeling makes me want to cry! But just like driving a car it takes practice and patience right? I have learned so much and I know I can learn this! 

Wordpress I will figure you out! And I will be able to purchase a professional blog template with all the bells and whistles! I will be a popular blogger! Well that's my vision anyway! 

Erin McQueen - Still looking for sanity and wordpress is not really it right now! hahahaha