I'm still shaking and I'm totally feeling like I'm on a cloud right now.
Yesterday I was in a funk! I get them usually around my moon cycle! I loose control of my emotions and I absorb EVERYTHING and take in EVERYTHING.
So I started asking the questions: "How can I change this?" "How can I fix this?" "How can I get out?" "What is the best path for me?"
And the guidance started to poor in.
It started with Oprah's Master Class and the reminder that everything happens for a reason. There is a lesson and a blessing here!
But my biggest AH HA moment was when I was listening to Gabby's radio show and she had Danielle LaPorte on and talking about Desire Mapping finding your Core Desire Feelings.
Today I learned that I need to start focusing and honing in on my FEELINGS!
My biggest issue right now is resentment and anger and lots of negative emotions around my growth and change and future!
So where do you start?
Step 1: Acknowledge that whatever it is SUCKS! Get clear on that!
Step 2: Ask yourself how you really WANT to FEEL!!!!!!!!!!
Step 3: (lol) TRUST! Don't worry about the how's and solving this suckiness at the moment.
This will shift your energy! And what happens when your energy shifts? Perception shifts and MIRACLES happen! Because our focus is now on our wants and we see ways to get what we want! And it all lines up! Doors Open when Acknowledgement happens.
And it is true we can not always control the things that happen around us! And we can't always see the reason or the lesson BUT we CAN control our feelings! We can control how we deal with or react around what is happening!
So what happens when you trip, fall down or feel like a failure and only see yourself stuck? Like I did yesterday.
Dana Wild always said to DO NOTHING. This was her advice with my marketing business when I wasn't seeing the growth or numbers I wanted to see. When you start getting into a funk you must do nothing! Take the day off! A ME day! And be gentle with yourself! We live in such an Ego oriented society where we are constantly being hard on ourselves and self sabotaging!
"Sometimes the funk comes in to get you to be still and hear the message" ~ Danielle LaPorte
So embrace that funk, take your day and then do what you need to do after!
But what if you have to do something you need to do because it's where you are at that moment working on getting to your higher self?
Tell yourself this: "By doing this task I will feel joy when it's completed"
This changes that negative story of "Ugh I don't want to have to do this again" or "I hate this part of my job"! Change your story and find the underlying feelings and lessons under it all!
This is totally going to be my New Years Resolution! I can't wait to see Leisa next week so we can work on my Core Desire Feelings list and find a new name for my beautiful Twirly Whirly side of me that I feel keeps pulling me off track! I want to rename her into something more powerful and beautiful that is in line with my new evolution!!!!
Thank you Morgan, Gabby and Danielle and the Universe for all your beautiful words!