I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

WE DID IT! Wild Rose D-Dox Day 7 to 12

Steve and I Halloween Night!

WOW! What an amazing experience that was! We I cried, we craved, we whined, we tried new things and best of all... We did NOT cheat! We completed all twelve days and celebrated by eating everything we couldn't!

I would recommend this to everyone! If I can do this! You can do this! I really want to try and maintain a similar diet without depriving myself! I will continue to make my breakfast and my new smoothies, drink my coffee black with a splash of almond milk, do my best to avoid breads, eat salad at lunch, make my own dressings and snack on nuts, fruit and veggies all day! I lost around 4 lbs doing this and a few inches. I wish I would have measured myself but I can see! I believe if I can keep this up and start walking/running up those damn stairs at work I can achieve my weight goal! But No buts... Erin you need to smarten the F up! Someone call me at work around 11:15am & tell me to do it hahahahaha

We made it through Halloween, my period cravings and a weekend we normally over indulge.

The second week I tried to make a few different meals and our first week favorite Lemon Butter Sole. All failures. I can usually make a really good meal but I just couldn't figure that shit out this past week. It was horrible!

Now to sit down and plan meals for the week that will be good and healthy but not depriving! I'm all for cutting back but not cutting out! Balance! Everything is about balance!

Next on the McQueen plan is to try new YYC restaurants on our date nights. We tried Applebees last night because one just opened by our house. It was horrible. Maybe too much too soon after a cleanse. Steve hated the spinach dip and I have about 4 bites out of my pasta dish. I went for their blonde dessert and couldn't even order it. BLAH!

Here are a few photos from the last week.

Don't forget to check out my Facebook Page! :)

My attempt at Almond Pear Chicken.... BLAND

My new Fav Smoothie! Raspberry, Spinach, Beet & Carrot Juice

Almond Butter Chicken. Cooked it too long. I was the only one who somewhat liked it. If the chicken wasn't so dry...

My Saturday Morning Treat! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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