I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Where does a 17 month old boy hide mommy's glasses?

I wear glasses. Mostly for driving or if I want to see things walking too! I'm not the greatest at putting my glasses away. Which is bad when you are trying to teach your 5 year old to put their glasses in their case too!
Last weekend I came home late. Worked all day and I had a party that night. I was tired. I got in the house and put my glasses on the kitchen table as I often do and went to bed! The next morning I woke up so sick I could barely walk! I made the boys breakfast and waiting for dad to get up so I could go back to bed. I pretty much slept Sunday away so there was no need for my glasses!

Come Monday I'm getting ready to head out to pick up a few things we needed. Still felt like ass and the house looked about the same. I could not for the life of me find my glasses. Tuesday comes along and still no sign of my glasses. I was feeling a lot better and cleaned my house that night in hopes to find the damn things and well... clean my house. NOTHING

So I tweet the questions: Where does a 17 month old boy hide glasses?

The most common response was the toilet! Well since I was living on the toilet for the last 3 days (Sorry for the TMI) I would pray I would see them there and not flush them down. Again I'm sure if I did that would have caused a much bigger problem!

I looked all around the living room, all over the kitchen, the fridge, the cupboards, the garbage in the bathroom and drawers, the bathtub, the bedroom, the basement, outside and even in the vacuum! NOTHING

I then decide this is a sign I need to get a new pair. I haven't had my eyes checked in years and I was noticing the my prescription was changing! So I get in, get a new prescription and ordered two pairs online and another set for Ethan! $64! Bonus!

It's now Friday! I should have my new glasses by next week! I'm looking forward to seeing again when I drive! It's harder when it's dark and mixed with crazy Calgary drivers I was just adding to that problem! Made for some fun morning rides into work!

This morning I get a call from hubby with laughter in the background! Apparently they found my glasses! They were the prize in the cereal box! How the hell did they end up there?

So next time you lose something in your house with a toddler check the cereal boxes as well! You just never know what the next prize will be!

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