I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013


When you are sitting alone with your thoughts what are you thinking? What do you see? What is your dream? If not where you are today, where do you see yourself being?

These are all questions I need to start asking myself!
What is my Vision? What do I want? What am I feeling? How can I create my own Joy? Am I happy?

I have come to a crossroads within myself. I have been feeling extremely confused, lost, alone and overwhelmed. All emotions I have created. I know this! I know I am truly the only one in charge of my happiness and well being. And this affects everything around me. But because I'm now try to address these it's creating more ripples. Or more clarity?

I have asked for help! In two ways. Help working through my thoughts which I stated in my last post here and by asking those around me to help more with our daily lives.

I want to feel like I have help. I do a lot. No one can deny this. I put myself last. Always. The needs of others come first. And my biggest priority would be my children! Which to me can not be any other way! I also feel like I've been doing the same, asking the same and well getting the same results. Nothing Changes, Nothing... Changes.

Where I am is my fault. I allowed this to go on for so long. I want things to change! I need them to!

So. How do I figure out what I want and how to get there?

Today I just want to feel like I have help. Simple things. Laundry, Kitchen, Bathroom, Homework, You take one & I'll take the other!

As for my visions, wants and feelings. Well that will have to go into my TBD file... again!

My homework is to journal at least 3 days this week and look into my soul. Make my needs more clear. And look at myself in the mirror!

I'm on a flipping rollercoaster

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