I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Exploring Art

I have a list of things that I once did and loved but never followed that passion! Mainly out of fear and doubt of my own ability! I have a habit of always compairing myself to others and making myself feel small and worthless! 

My goal this year is to push through this! And it starts with becoming clear on my core feelings and values! 

Today in Alberta is family day! And I am spending my day with my family painting! And doing laundry! 

Art was something that has always called out to me! So at 31 I am going back and exploring my passion for painting! Of course my passion for photography comes into play as well as I take photos of my art work! And my children's artwork! 

I will say I am so in love with my sons natural ability to paint freely! It's such an amazing thing to witness! Nothing else maters in the world! Today is about family, joy, love and freedom! 

Below are a few of my paintings:

Here are a few of Jadens:

I was looking forward to an afternoon painting with Ethan a I had promised him but we will have to plan that for another weekend! Xoxo

Time for dinner with my bestie, her boys & my family! 

I hope everyone had a great long weekend! Well those who got one! I'm grateful for my first long weekend! 

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