I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, March 10, 2014

I'm doing it too

About a week or so ago someone shared a blog about Oilpulling on Facebook. I was intreaged and thought I'd give it a try. If you are not in the loop or haven't been on Facebook or Twitter for a while, Oilpulling is simply swooshing oil around in your mouth for about 20 minutes. It apparently has a bunch of benefits. I'm using Coconut Oil. Organice and unrefined. I take about a teaspoon in the morning while I get ready for work before I eat or drink anything. 20 minutes is a long time but when you are doing this along side your normal morning routine it goes by fast. I tried it with the little bit of non-aroma coconut oil I had on the first day and then regular oil the next. I loved the aroma one the best. It leaves this beautiful coconut after taste! Mmmmm You can also use grape seed oil. I hear that's the best. It's on my list to try one day! Right now I am getting used to how the coconut oil melts in my mouth. It's really strange at first but once it liquifies it's a cool experience. All I really want to see is whiter teeth and an all around healtheir mouth. I drink coffee and tea so it will be interesting to see if it keeps those stains off. I did say the other day I was going to stop drinking coffee. And then day light savings came. So now I'm working on cutting down my two cups a day to one! And eventually close to no coffee at all. I had to stop drinking it when I was pregnant with my second child and after I did I felt really good. I missed it sometimes. The smell mostly. But my gut was sure happy without it! Anywho I digress. I am on the Oilpulling bandwagon! Are you doing it too?

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