I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to School

Tomorrow my son goes back to school. Grade 1! Yes tomorrow as he's in a year round school.
And I'm crying. I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm every emotion! 
You would think these feelings would have gone away after going through Kindergarten?
My son is very compassionate! As much as he does his own thing he does tend to follow as well. This of course is part of learning! That I know. But last year he was drawn to a few kids that bug the shit out of me! And they weren't even 6 yet! How the hell am I going to make it through life with two boys if I can hardly make it through one grade of palm to face type children? I'm scared because I hope that he doesn't get hurt! I hope he doesn't run into any bullies and doesn't feel left out! I felt left out a lot in school. I know I probably brought that on myself but I can remember feeling that as far back as grade 1! I want him to feel like he has close friends and that he will never be alone! 
I am excited because I know he's going to meet new people! He's going to learn so much more over the year and have new experiences that we at home can not give him! I'm excited to finally get back into another routine even if I have to yell and scream at my husband to get with the program and help me! 
I also pray it will help me us keep up with the house work! Get the boys helping more with chores - Laundry, dishes, toys and general tiding up! I'm still feeling overwhelmed with housework! I think I need to just give in to the fact that this is it! If it hasn't changed yet why the hell am I trying to make it change.
I'm crying because my son is growing up. Always. Daily. Never ending. Which means I'm also getting older. OMG... Time needs to slow the fuck DOWN. 

Here's to another school year full of amazing new adventures! 

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