I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Question of the day...

Why is it that when I try to do something for myself I can start it but never finish it?

Me Time! Time to exercise and feel good!

This have proven to be the most difficult task to maintain! I did really well for three weeks after work! I would race home and exercise then make dinner and do all the other "duties" that being a parent entails. But then came swimming, traffic, phone calls and well... LIFE!

So it comes down to doing it at work at lunch time but what I LOVE to do requires some kind of TV or computer and somewhere private!

I've thought about downloading a day at a time onto DropBox and using my cell and hiding in one of our far stairwells or seeing about using a room that's on maintenance lol! But I'm scared. I don't know why I'm getting that emotion. I'm also frustrated and upset and tired of not being able to balance in time for myself.

So my question is why. Why as a Working Mother of Two boys is it so difficult to do it all? Is this why so many say fuck it and just let their body go?

What I need is to find at way to have someone cook our dinners, clean our house, do our laundry and take the boys to whatever activity they have that day! I need help! But I hate asking! HATE! I'm so stubborn that I feel I should be able to do everything! But I can't! Why am I not a freaken superhero?

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