I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Hearing My Inner Guide

I have always struggled with my voice. My wants. My needs. Settling for things because they are easier. Always feeling alone. Unhappy. Confused.

So.... I decided to try something new. Meditate.

And when I ask for guidance Passion Parties ALWAYS comes to the front line! Always. I asked for a miracle and 5 minutes later I have a party booking for the weekend ahead. 20 minutes later I have an outside order. Few hours later I have another party booked and a few other outside orders.

So why am I so afraid to be successful?

May Cause Miracles had you digging into these fears. At first I wasn't even thinking about Passion Parties. Of course my fears tied into it but I didn't think about it because I was considering that Passion might not be my future. Until last week. My Passion fears are picking up the phone, talking to my team, following up with past customers or booking parties. But I am still successful. I still work! I have maintained good sales all year with two exceptions. MCM talks about the things you admire the most about someone is what you want. I'm constantly asking myself why it's not me. When I read others success I'm always comparing myself to them. I manifest things fast. So why haven't I with this? I deserve success!

I need to find out what I'm afraid of?

I know this is my key. It keeps coming up when I ask my questions. My Inner Guide keeps pointing me into this direction. I thought for sure I wanted something else. But I'm good at this...

This will be my next thing I need to work on with Leisa. Along side with my own work and budgeting.

I hear. I'm scared. I'm alone. I'm breathing

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