I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back On Track

I have been talking about managing my time better and getting back on track with the gym. Finding another routine. Taking care of me! I miss the gym. I miss my classed. The downfall is the time of the classes I can take are at night. Either right after I get off work or around dinner/bed time. That is just not going to work for me or my family and business! And I'm usually dead tired. So that leaves the morning. They say you get a better bang for your buck working out in the morning. It's better for your metabolism. But I really don't know all that much. I should research some more. I would also not have to worry about the boys! Who's going to watch them or if the gym's daycare is open.

Here's the big question. Do I really want to leave my house at 4:50am to work out from 5am to 6am? AND there are no classes. Will I be able to get a good work out on my own without a personal trainer or guidance?

I will have to put my fear aside and have faith that I know what I need to do. It's not as if I have never worked out before! I can create a set of work out routines to rotate. Write them down and just do it! But the one thing I loved about going to classes was the fact that I didn't really have to think. I just did what I was told and was pushed to finish!

So now to work up the endurance to drag my sorry ass out of bed to go to the gym! My alarm is already set for 4:30! I will just have to avoid hitting the snooze for an hour and actually get up! Make everything the night before and I should be good! It would be so much easier if I had a buddy! I wonder if I could meet someone there and pair up!?

Last time I checked I was 124lbs. When I stepped on a friends scale it looked closer to 122. But I can not be for sure! And it's not a big deal for me. That number. It's really irrelevant. I want to tone my mid section and continue to build strength!

I would like to go Tuesday to Friday! 4 days a week! But I'll be happy with 3 even!

I can do this! I am worth it! I can start Tuesday June 12th - 5am!

Now to plan a routine...

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