I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Finding my Sanity... The beginning of Change!

I'm about to lose my mind. So over the last few days I've been thinking about what someone else did... Start a blog to vent to so they would not do something harsh in reality. So here I am in tears because my hormones are out of wack, my oldest child is refusing to go to bed and I'm tired of feeling the lack of help from the husband. Not to mention I've been breastfeeding my youngest almost every hour today and when I think I can put him down to sleep he cries about 10 min later! So here I am... Trying to find my sanity~!

In this blog you will find me venting about my marriage, my children, my mother and working towards forgiving and training my brain to see the good. So hopefully I can let it all out and let it go! And find the happiness I am starving for! My husband will put more effort into this family, my children will go to bed and help as well and MOMMY WILL HAVE FOUND HER SANITY!!!!

It's really that simply. Helping. Why do men not get that anyways? Oh look a dryer full of towels needing to be folded and put away... hmmm lets just pile it ontop. She'll do it later! Oh look the dishwasher is full of clean dishes.... Let's just pill the dirty ones on the counter. She'll do it later! Oh look she's busy with the baby and it's bed time for our oldest. I'm too tired to care and have facebook messages to send out. He'll put himself to bed even tho he's only 4 and should have a story read to him and some time spent calming him down!

That's about how I'm feeling right about now. That's what I'm seeing. Lack of effort! Which is why I'm probably a bitch in the husbands eyes. And seeing and feeling this is NoT bringing any kind of libido back what so ever after having a baby! Or at least I'm not feeling like I should even try and get it back because I have the gel that will bring it back!

So welcome to the first submition to finding my sanity! I hope you enjoy it and Laugh a little ... Sorry got interupted and have no idea what else I was going to say!

I'm off to take care of the hiccups this baby has and maybe get some sleep!

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