I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Need sleep and a shower!

Wow was I ever angry last night. Today I'm sad. Gotta love the ups and down of hormones after having a child! If you think this is bad you should have seen me after my first. LOL I was such a mess back then! Now I know what to expect out of my baby. Learning to deal with my 4 year old and I guess thinking my husband would step up the helping a little more this time around. So here's to a new day. To let go of the anger first before I can find the strength to site down and ask him why I'm feeling like we are not on the same parenting style page. And take a deep breath, have a nap, have a shower tonight and be AWARE of my THOUGHTS!!!! That's the first step of "The Mind Aware" program "Train Your Brain". This is how I am going to find my sanity! Between this and TUT.com and working with the Universe, Love and the secret! I should be able to retrain myself in a month! Now to find a buddy to tell me to smarten the fuck up when I start bitching again! If all I can see are faults and think faults then how can I expect change? I have to change myself! I only have power over me. If I can focus on the love that is here and let go of my anger I've learned to harbour my entire life then I will have found my sanity and can move on to better things. But wow is it hard to control your thoughts when they are so used to going off on negative tangents. Like a child really. Makes me laugh when I lose control and I know what I'm doing and know what I should be doing to make it better! Silly me. Positive loving energy is so much more powerful! I'm just finding it hard to keep it around when the wonderful husband is not on the same page!

So Step One: Be AWARE of your THOUGHTS...

I'm going to find a few positive goals and loving words to randomly put around my house to remind me to pay attention to what I am thinking always! And if I start bitching in my head I will do my best to stop it and smell the roses so to speak! I think I finally understand why people meditate! To control one's mind and gain control of their surroundings and life! Love it!

Here's to step one! :) Care to join me?

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