I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh blogging how I miss you

When I was on mat leave I found comfort in twitter and blogging! I have always wanted to write but never believed I was good enough at it! I'm sure I've said that before! My grammar sucks! Ask my wonderful cousin who often facebooks me my errors to correct! I love my editor! She's hired if I ever do write a book! So I thought this would be my step to learning a new hobby!

Now I'm back at work and I have fallen behind like I have with so many other "Hobbies"! You should see my half assed baby blanket I started for Jaden sitting in my closet! Or the other 3 from 5 years ago! Not to mention the half read books, multiple uncompleted and now irrelevant posts and endless to do list!

I guess it all comes down to time management and choices! Instead of writing at night I'm catching up on Y&R or this week Desperate Housewives! Oppp! Or trying to find a cooler place to hang out with my boys! I'm also just wasting time constantly checking my phone for no reason at all!

Work is busy! I love every minute of it! I'm happy to be back! We are all still trying to find a routine! And of course come September we will have to find yet another!

Right now I'm constantly thinking "One step at a time" and "Everything is Going My Way"!

My life is busy and I love it! But I miss all the conversations I used to have with amazing people on twitter, reading blogs and blogging myself!

Well time to get back to it! Have a great Wednesday!

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