I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Finished Project

Not my Self Love Project but my Baby Blanket project!

I knitted a blanket for my oldest! So I wanted to do the same for my second. So while I was pregnant I went out and bought the yarn and picked the pattern and started... Just before he was born I noticed I dropped a stitch a few rows back. Being pregnant and hormonal I was very upset with myself so I put the blanket away and that was that!

It haunted me! Every time I opened my closet I felt like a failure! Extreme? Maybe but that was supposed to be for my new baby who was rapidly growing into a toddler.

A friend of my knits. Every time I would be at her house she was on the next item! So I was inspired to finish my project! Let go of my negative hold I had created and move forward!

Yesterday I took a day off and finished it! I am so happy with myself! I hardly finish things I start! I left fear and doubt take over with everything! So this was a big step for me! Even if it seems small to others!

My oldest wants a new blanket so we are going to go shopping together! His baby blanket is falling apart already! He got it stuck on something and it torn! I have a half knitted second blanket already started! But I think he wants a different colour. He was also never big on blankets or comfort items. Jaden is different! If Jesse or Woody or his monkey or Spiderman blanket (which was Ethan's lol) are not in bed with him he losses his mind! So I know this will be a great gift!

I'm happy I completed another one! And this may be the last "Baby" blanket I knit but not the last blanket!

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