I have it because I didn't have a full lunch. I went out at lunch to mail a Passion Backorder to a customer and the post office was busy so it took up my entire lunch time plus some. I was going to run into a restaurant for take out but because it was noon they were all backed up! I thought the veggies, a pear and a few almonds would do. I thought wrong. OUCH...
So my usual go to is warm milk with a tsp of brown sugar and vanilla. But then I sat down to clear out some of my emails and there was an email from my Kundalini teacher! There was a spot about headaches! Cool!
Last night in my second Kundalini Yoga class we talked about stress. How we often hold onto things for too long and too tightly and all we have to do it put it down! If we don't we create stress which can bring on headaches...
She said a headache is your body trying to tell you something! (Like me not eating! HA!) But if it's chronic and constant go see your doc! Either way listen to your body!
So here is her 3 step process:
- Inhale as you raise your shoulders up towards the ears, and exhale as you lower them. Continue powerfully for 1 minute.
- Neck rolls, taking about 8 seconds per complete turn. Follow the course of your collarbone. Do this seven times, then revers direction and repeat.
- Press your thumb hard under the cheekbones for 1 minute.
I'm so grateful I found Sharlene! You can check out her site here!
Now I'm off to eat dinner & drink a glass of water! XOXO
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