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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Boycotting Children From Restaurants

My family really doesn't eat out much. When we do it's wing night on Saturdays or Montana's. We go where we know kids can be because well... we have kids. If we do NOT want to have dinner around children then we go some place we know children will not be! Like more of a high end place or even... wait for it... A PUB!

What a concept. You don't want to have dinner around children then go to a pub or stay the hell home! What message is this sending to the next generation really? And isn't it the parents that are in control of their children. Most children are a creation of their surroundings! What about the Jack ass that bitches about the meal or goes and finds a way to get it completely free? When I worked in restaurants it was the adults I had issues with and never the children! Most parents go out for dinner repaired. And if they are anything like me. If my kid is in a horrible mood we just do NOT go out or we go and get something to bring home! Drive thru is a wonderful option! Another option is if we get there, order and my kid starts being a brat we ask for it to go, pay and leave! Simple!

But for the love of our children... banning them? That's discrimination! Is this our next movement? We fight for woman's right and now we have to fight for children's rights? It's 2011. Why do I have a feeling that we are moving backwards and not forwards.

That's my rant for the day! Like my Boycott Restaurants Boycotting Children page on facebook!

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