I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

The simple things in life

Last weekend my friend and her hubby dropped off their old swing set. It's old and rusty. Probably one from the late 80's or early 90's LOL I am very thankful for this swing set. Hubby and I probably could get our boys one of those big ass wooden swing sets with a killer slide... on credit. But do we really need to? As soon as the swing set was up my little man was on it like feathers are to glue. And the icing on the cake was the next morning when the first thing he asked was to go outside to swing!!! You mean I don't have to bribe you to play outside today? Amazing! We don't have video games. He gets limited time on the computer because I'm sure in about 6 months he'd have figured out how to buy Cars online! I'm not shitting you! He already found his way to Amazon and was showing me a Lightning McQueen Car he just HAD to have. Hubby hide our Credit Cards. Our 4 year old is already online shopping! 
I love how it's not the quality of the item my kid loves but the item itself. He doesn't care that we live in the hood. He's got his own room, his own play room, his own bathroom and a big back year with now a swing! He runs around with his dollar store water gun spraying bugs and me and is happy! 
Money can buy you some fancy shit but it sure can't buy you the simple things in life.
A child's happiness
I'm learning to embrace what we can get and stop stressing about what other people can afford. My husband and I work hard! We make our money and we make choices! And our boys are happy! Perfect! 

1 comment:

  1. Kids just want mommy and daddy time and they are happy! They don't care about the next video game or stuff like that. It drives me crazy when I see people around me stressing out on how they are going to buy this super duper expensive toy or thing their child just has to have. I'm like, C'mon, they are going to give two shits about it, but if you take them to their favorite place and spend some time with them, that is what they will cherish. Our kids want us, not things. I think the swing set is perfect, you get to spend time with your kids and it didn't cost you a thang!

    "Running on Empty" http://mysanityblogspot.blogspot.com
