I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This weekend is Passion Power! Since I joined Passion Parties I don't think I have missed one. Oh maybe the first one. I can't remember. Either way I love these mini training sessions. I love being a part of an amazing company. I know if I tried harder I could probably quit my day job and make enough money to support my family. I however have not decided if this is what I really want to do full time. I am enjoying my hobby! The hobby that has paid for new tires, Christmas, Vacations, bills I wasn't sure we'd be able to afford. Passion is keep me on top of everything. It gives me a piece of mind.

Anyways so back to this weekend. I wanted to go. Why? Because Dana Wild is going to be one of the speakers and over the past year I have grown to love and respect her. She is teaching me to change my thoughts! Through her training CDs. Over the past few years I've been looking for something and I believe this is it! And the best part is it's so simple AND it works. This past month I did not pick up the phone once. Nope and I received 5 online orders and 3 party leads. Two I had to give away. One I'm driving to Edmonton for! Love it! And all I'm thinking is my Business Rocks. And it does.

Passion Power is a weekend ordeal. I would have to leave my baby with my husband for two entire days. Attempting to feed him by a bottle he's started refusing. Not completely understanding his cries or whimpers. And then me coming home to a house full of cranky frustrated men. I do not need to put that stress on my family. I don't care who has pumped and dumped and done it in the past. Good for you for having a very supportive whoever to go through that will you. I do not. ok that's wrong of course my husband is supportive and we could probably suffer through this weekend but I don't want that guilt. I hate that feeling. Especially when I haven't done anything wrong yet I still feel it.

I'm very sad I'm going to miss it. Miss the social connections with other amazing woman and well having a break from my family.

But I made the choice to save the $149 fee for my vacation to see my best friend marry his best friend after my god 10 years of dating and save my family the stress this weekend.

Next year when I'm not breastfeeding I will be able to attend all the events I want too! Passion Power 2012, save for Vegas 2013 and book more parties and sign more consultants.

I see great things for my business. But right now it's my hobby and my family comes first. Always

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