I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Stop and Smell the Roses

This weekend was pretty hectic and this week isn't going to be any different. We leave for vacation on Sunday. I have to start planning what we are going to bring for our two sons. But the biggest thing. My oldest starting kindergarten tomorrow! Time is going by way too fast!

I remember someone telling me a story about a NY cab driver and how every time someone would cut him off or curse at him or flip him the bird he would just go about on his marry little way not even batting an eye. I can't remember if he would say something to himself or not but when asked why he didn't react he plainly stated that he's not going to let other peoples garbage affect his day! How true is that. How often do we allow other peoples emotions or actions affect us? We are either happy, sad or mad based on what others around us say or do!

I know I allow this to into my life way to often. I have always said I absorb others emotions. My husband comes home unhappy and I am instantly pissed off. Someone cuts me off on the highway and I'm angry for hours.

I'm about to send my first born off to school and I spend my days allowing others to control how I feel? I owe it to my family to choose my own feelings. To learn to control them and chose happier thoughts when something goes unplanned. I need to stop and sell the roses and embrace the beauty of the world!

People need to learn to be more kind! To take more time and relax!

Next week we are going to see family! Family that after years of no contact are back in my life and I could not be happier! Family that told me not to work too hard and take time off for myself! To stop and smell the roses so to speak!

Thank you! Thank you for helping me see that there is more to life then a 9 to 5 job! I'm still working on learning to embrace how I feel and gain more control over my emotions but I am doing pretty good!

So if something pisses me off next I'm going to do my best to take a deep breath and instead of reacting I'm going to try and see the lesson to the situation!

I hope others can stop for a minute today and find something to smile about! :) For me! It's my family!

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