I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Proof that I'm NOT Crazy

Yesterday my grandmother phoned to tell me that Sara Blakley, the creator of Spanx, has officially become the youngest self-made female Billionaire in the world! That is AMAZING! 

And how did she do it?


She was 29 when the idea came to her one night. Prior to that she was visualizing for 7 years! Now at 41 she's a billionaire! That right there goes to show everyone that it's never too late to start! I'm 29 right now! Just think... I could be a billionaire in 12 years. Now where is my billionaire idea? LOL 

Of course she worked as well! You can't expect the phone to ring if you are not out passing around your business card! Right? Right! 

That's not the point. The point is she used the power of positive thinking and visualizing to bring her entrepreneurial success. She like many around the world closed her eyes and seen herself where she is now. 

I'm using mantras. I have vision boards. I'm seeing success unfold before my own eyes in my life! I'm excited about Sara's success because it's proof I'm not crazy. Not to mention millions of other successful people in the world are and have used the same theory! They may not be "billionaires" but they are successful in their eyes and THAT is the point! 

My Vision is to be financially free! I haven't really pin pointed what success is for myself yet and I do need to change my vision board that is right now on the wall in the bathroom so I look at it every day! But I'm doing something. I have my vision board in my office for my dream car too which I blogged about in January! And I'm saying my mantra all the time! I remember watching a "Secret" like movie and one of the speakers said that life is like a missile. It must change it's course periodically to reach it's destination! Don't be afraid to change something in order to reach your goal! That's the beauty about life! 

I have my mantra set to go off every hour and a half! My 5 year old now says "I'm a Money Magnet" when it goes off! This morning even Steve said it! 

What is your vision? What is your mantra? 

This is what the Universe sent me via email Friday! 

It's not as if one could be bored enough, feel frustrated enough, or complain enough that their life would suddenly turn around. Doesn't work that way. 

Whatever anyone "is", Erin, they become more of. And anyone's is'ness is whatever they say it is. 


The Universe 

This couldn't be more true! Pay attention to your thoughts today! Listen to what you are thinking and what you are telling people. 

The Power IS in Positive Thinking! 

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