I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear 16 year old me

Dear 16 year old me,

You think life is hard now? Just wait! It's gets better! The world you think you know now is going to change! The people who you think you can't live without will go away! You will grow apart! Move on! Grow up!

That photography class you wanted to take... Take it! That book you wanted to read... Read it! And that boy you think who's the greatest being in this world... Run away! He's not! And the money you will make working every weekend... save it! That girl in class you wish would be your friend... say hi and embrace it! That girl you wish you would be instead of yourself... Don't listen to that thought! You are amazing just the way you are! And she's probably thinking the same thing!

I would love to tell you to not smoke or drink but you are smart enough! And you end up giving it up anyway! And tanning isn't really your thing! If you want colour stick with gardening and kayaking! You love being outside and in nature! You should embrace that more!

The advise you get from adults is actually great advice! You should listen! Especially your grandparents! They are trying to help you! Really! And you don't know everything, and you never will! Trust me! And it's O.K to ask for help! You're not alone! You've seen a lot! Drugs, dealth, loss! All unhealthy! But you can and will change! Being dark and depressed is not the answer! Moving forward towards the light is! Learn to have fun in life!

When given the opportunity to try something new, jump at it! Believe in yourself! You have the entire world in the palm of your hands! You just need to realize it!

Dear 29 year old me... See everything you wished you would have know back then!

It's time to listen to your heart and go for it!

It's time to take your dreams and turn them into reality!


The dream you want for other people are theirs to go for! You can't make it happen for them! All you can do is go for yours and hope they see how you are doing it and follow suit!

And don't forget everything in life is a choice! You are the only one who makes them for yourself! You can not put blame on others for not having the life you want! So go get it!


  1. Great letter!

    I should write one too. Mine might be a bit depressing though. LOL!

  2. Don't think of it as being depressing. I could have gone very deep with this but I didn't have the time and didn't want to dig up too much of the past since I really can't change it!
