I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012

I'm sure like many I'm opening my arms to 2012!

A new year full of so much possibility! This is the best time to dream, visualize, plan! Today is a day of hope! A day where you can turn your back on the past and take that first step into the future with ease.

But really it's just another day. Like any other. It's just a number on the calendar. We should be able to do this every day! We have a one bad day so the next we wake up and move forward. And yet it's hard to do that on a "regular" day!

There is something special about January 1st! Something magical! As one of my Passion Sisters would say... A day with more Sparkle!

@insanemamacita and I were talking about how we were not going to set any "New Years Resolutions" and yet we can't stop thinking about them! That's the hopefulness seeping through.

2012 will bring change and growth to my life. So much will be different and instead of being scared I am starting to feel excitement! Learning to embrace whatever comes my way! I learning in 2011 just how strong I can actually be! I gave birth in my home! No drugs! In water! WOW! And I learned to pray! A lot! And I seen a real miracle! Twice! All of which is what will be bringing the changes into not only my life but my friends and family too! The band, going back to work, my son and his school and the so much more!

I hope you don't set your bar to high this year! I hope you can sit down today and take a good long at what you want or would like to see! I hope you realize that your life is up to you and no one else! Have faith in yourself! And enjoy every minute of your days! Because I also learned last year that life can end in a blink of an eye!

Last year I set a goal to believe in myself more! And I wasn't sure I accomplished that until now!

This year my goal is just as simple but challenging at the same time! Embracing who I am and growing with it! A mother of two who wants to learn more about my accounting life and move up in that world, continuing my hobby with Passion Parties and exploring more of the life of a blogger! I have always dreamed of being a writer, photographer and singer! Yet I never believed I was good enough! This year I am good enough! One step at a time!

Happy New Year Everyone! Best wishes for 2012! Thank you for everything you all have done to help me along my journey of life! Especially my husband! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that resolution... believing in yourself. You are such an amazing person. And to see two miracles! Wow! I cannot believe you gave birth at home. You are an incredibly strong woman!

    I am so happy we have crossed paths, even if it is only in the virtual world.

    We will make 2012 one of the best years ever!
