I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Monday, January 16, 2012

I am Good Enough

I've never really known what it is I want to do with myself! I'm slowly unfolding that! I remember earlier this month seeing an email about another training program put on by my leaders to grow my passion business and as always I let fear get in the way! I have done this with everything in my past. Singing, rock climbing, rugby, art... I let that annoying voice inside my head take over! "You are not good enough! Look at them! They are so much better then you! What were you thinking?" ALWAYS!

Even today. Right now. At this moment! Wanting so bad to be successful at something! Trying to see myself as an Executive Director with Passion Parties! Going out and helping woman by either showing them to products or have them join my team and grow their own business! EASY! So easy that so many woman do it every day!  And there's so much room for so much more! Then why am I letting this thought creep back in again?

Until now!

Now I'm going to laugh in it's face and change that though to "I AM GOOD ENOUGH"

I decided to put on my "big girl" panties and jump in with both feet and sign up for this program! I also believed it was the "Universe" giving me the answer I was looking for when my Sponsor called me up to see if I was interested! I was flattered! Because she not only thought of me but called me! They still have faith in ME!

2012 is about change for so many people! And I am one of them! My mantra this month has been helping too! "I'm a Money Magnet"!

Today I'm spending my afternoon in my office planing my vision for myself and putting together some hostess packages! Dreaming up my big dreams and not holding back! I am successful and it's going to get so much better! This time next year I'll be setting new goals, dreaming up new dreams and going for that next level in business! Because there is only one way to go and that is up!

I would really love to do this with someone! Together we can hold each others hands, motivate and lean on as we grow! If you are reading this and have thought in the past that Passion Parties might just be for you then now is the time to give me a shout and join my team and do this with me! February is the official START date but I'm starting my lessons right now!

Think about it! But don't think to long! Deep breath! "I'm a Money Magnet who is Good Enough for everything!"

Bring it on 2012~

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