I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Saturday, January 14, 2012


We own a duplex! For the first two years plus I thought we lucked out with the shared wall. I thought for sure it was really well isolated as we never heard a thing! Now I'm thinking maybe it was because I wasn't home 24/7 and the previous people residing there were not loud people! All because the people that moved in this past summer are HELL! All I hear is bass all day and all night. We have called the renting company and complained so many times. Some days I'm thankful it's not rap when I can hear every word to Blind Melon and other days I really don't want the sound of bass being the background music to my life!

Don't get me wrong. We are not quiet people either but we are not loud people. We love music! My husband is a musician! But when we are home we like quiet! We don't have house parties. We have summer time family and friend get together/BBQs! We (I was already in bed) Steve and the guys had the cops called on them once two summers ago because they were outside having an acoustic jam late after my cousins wedding! The cops let them finish the song, complimented it and then asked to stop! Nothing major coming from this house for sure!

Last night Steve had practice! I didn't have a party booked so it was another night with the boys! Some days I love it and others I go crazy! I spent my night playing with them and working on my blogs. Earlier I heard the typical sounds we've been hearing for the past few months on a daily bases. I'm not to sure if I want to snap or just learn to live with it. Like learning to live with the sound of a nearby train or construction site. Although I'm sure it stops before 4am!

Around bedtime I had to stop and listen. There was no music. No sounds from next door. They must not have been home! And it was blissful! But at the same time a bit odd. It felt like the first time we moved here getting used to the "house" noises. Questioning every sound. Wondering if it's just the wind or are the toys downstairs actually coming to life and playing! Maybe I've watched Toy Story one to many times. Steve even commented on the peace and quiet last night and he doesn't notice it as much as I do. I have those cursed mother ears which will be a blessing once my boys become teenagers.

This morning I was thankful for a night of peace! I had a somewhat good sleep! I was able to fall back asleep right away after my 3 night feedings! Pure bliss!

I hope that the sounds stop or they move! The property manager is not going to like me very much when I have to get up at 5am every morning for work along with the night wakings of my baby!

And on that note the bass begins! At least it's daytime!

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