I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Found them!!!!

I'm not picky all all! LOL

If you know me you are laughing out loud right now!

And when it comes to shoes I'm the worst! I am not your typical girl when it comes to shoes! I do not love high healed shoes or anything to frilly! I'm your tom boy boot kind of girl!

I pulled out a pair of boots I've had for years and thought it was time to get a new pair! I didn't know I would have such a hard time finding a pair of boots I would love love love!

I went to almost every store I could think of and nothing! Everything was too girly, heals were too thin or too small and there was no hight on the toe part of the shoe! I'm short! I like a bit of hight but not where I'm standing on my toes!

I was about to give up all hope on this years fashion sense when I finally found them!

My boots! I'm going to have to search for my arch supports as these are not the best supporting boots ever! But that's what I get for $80! I was NOT about to spend over $150 on a pair of boots!
Now all I need to do is protect them and I'm set! I also need to find a good pair of slip on shoes too! That's another challenge! bahaha! wish me luck

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