I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Take it Off!!!!

Since moving out of my comfort zone and going to those classes at the gym I have lost 4 lbs.
I am 146lbs! Around 36 inches in my mid section. My thighs could be 22 inches. I don't have a proper measuring tape for bodies. Next time I'm at the gym I'll get them to measure me properly and see if I've even lost any inches in the past 2 months. Although I've been more determined and disciplined these past two weeks.

So to help with my drop 20lbs goal I signed up for an extra class on Sundays for the month of October. Minus Turkey Turkey Day! It's called Take It Off. I didn't sweat as much as I did in my step class yesterday but today was more to find out where we are level wise. And it was HARD! But I enjoyed it! I go 3 times a week! Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. I might add in Thursday mornings! I have to go this Thursday because we don't have class on Sunday! Mmmmm Turkey! lol

I did indulge a bit this weekend but that is ok. Like I said I am not going to deprive myself. Plus I have to remember I am still  breastfeeding. So I can't cut out to much out of my diet. I also need to work on my water intake still LOL. I've increased my fruit intake so I know that's helping a little. I was told today to drink half my weight in oz of water... That's at least 73oz of water a day! That's 5 and a bit of my water glasses a day! I maybe drink 3 glasses (42oz) a day. Today I've had a bit more. So I'm sure if I have two more glasses tonight I'll be fine!

Here are my BEFORE photo's taken by my soon to be professional photographer 5yo son!


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