I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why do I do that?

I see something so wonderful for a person and I automatically feel depressed and think... That could have been me? OR Why is that not me? OR That should be me!

I've been so focused on the gym I think I'm forgetting to fill my need to be more social. I'm starting to feel extremely lonely to the point that I feel like I can't even pick up the phone and call someone! There are so many days I wish someone would just stop by with a Timmy's or Starbucks to hang out here! I do get tired of always driving sometimes but then again... Maybe I need to get away from this place more. I think I have more of a social life before I went on mat leave.

Now don't get me wrong. I love my family! I am so thankful for what I have! But there are times where I let myself get envious of those with no children, a great career, money, nice house and a fun life. It takes a lot for me to pull myself in and tell myself that I have so much that other probably want! Two children, a husband, a home, a business and a great job to go back to after! I will get that great career, money and nicer house when I'm done my mat leave!

So why do I let myself get like this? Maybe it's a little bit of the baby blues coming a bit late. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the entire house hold to run and clean and cook with no help.

I think it's time I go see my best friend so I can hear all about her days and get out of my head for a while!

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