I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Friday, February 10, 2012

My Love Affair with Social Media!

My love affair started on February 26, 2007! Thank you new Facebook Timeline for giving me that date!

Before then I had chat rooms, MSN Messenger and email! I spent my time on the computer doing school work, playing games and chatting! It wasn't really a big part of my life. Until I had my baby!

When I was introduced to Facebook I was sucked right in! Finding people I haven't talked to in years. Seeing what everyone else was up to! Reconnecting with long lost friends. Making new friends! It was magical!

Facebook officially became a part of my life! Planning events, living vicariously through other people while browsing their pictures, and seeing who comments on whatever happened that day. And to this day, 5 years later, I still do the same thing! As Facebook evolved, so did I. I started my own business in 2009 and Facebook allowed me to advertise and connect with other people in the industry and so on. Steve calls it the New Aged way of putting up posters. It's a great tool for his band too! We both would check it daily but wouldn't be on it 24/7!

My affair grew in 2011 when I had our second son. I joined Twitter and started blogging! My life with Social Media became a true addiction. And once I purchased my iPhone it's even worse! I no longer use MSN, not a fan of Google + and I forget about chat rooms. I can be reached by Facebook, Twitter, Email and text!

My life now revolves around these two Social Media sites. I eat, sleep, breath them. My phone is on me all the time and I'm constantly checking Facebook and reading tweets! I laughed at the one commercial I seen where someone was talking about how sorry they were for those who didn't have accounts. How was it possible to live a life without Facebook or Twitter? And I wonder that myself. I tent to forget about people if they are not on my Facebook. And I wonder how do they stay connected with friends? I'm horrible at phoning people up! I think the only person in the world I really worked on staying connected with is my friend Jen! Her and I used to write to each other until long distance phone plans came into play. Then we would call and chat and then the computers grew and so did our connection. We haven't yet but we are now on Skype! Even better! We Skype with Steve's Mom back in New Brunswick for the kids! Best thing EVER! And Facebook keeps her and other family members up to date with Pictures!

Twitter is more for me. It's a new place for me to meet new people and read blogs and learn to write myself! I love it! And I try and keep family to a minimum on my follow list. I've seen a tweet where someone said "Facebook is where we lie to our family & friends where Twitter is where we tell complete strangers the truth!" Author unknown. And that couldn't be any more true! People have blogged about how their twitter friends have become more like family. How they can count on the people on Twitter to be there for support and even help move or meet for coffee! And I would probably help someone out on twitter faster then I would for someone on Facebook. Depending on who and what it is.

Before I got a smart phone I would get mad at Steve for constantly checking his email and Facebook on his phone when we were out doing family things. I do my best to put my phone away when I'm out with family. But at home I'm always on my phone. It's bad. I should probably check into a Social Media Meeting for help.

But I won't! Because I love it! I love that I have met so many new people! I love that I have a page for my business and a page for my blog! I'm excited to see how they will both grow in the future! I love that I've started writing and plan on saving money for not only my Passion Convention in 2013 but also hopefully a Blog Conference too! I'm missing one in Edmonton next month because I'm just not prepared financially.

Social Media has opened up doors for me I don't think I would have found with out it! I still have a life. It's mostly around raising my two boys right now but when I'm not working a Party on the weekends, I'm out dancing to the Steve McQueen Band or cuddled up in bed with my boys! This mat leave I haven't actually done any "Play Dates". I've actually stayed away from "New" mom's. I had a bad experience once and also can't stand all the judgements people have around babies and motherhood. It's crazy out there! I've left Facebook groups because of it!

So there you have it! My Love Affair with Social Media! A completely new world inside another!

And don't forget to click on my Facebook Link and LIKE my page and follow me on twitter! LOL

What's your favourite part about Social Media? What do you use it for mostly?

Images courtesy of Google Search! 

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