I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can one truly not judge?

I made a decision to leave a group on Facebook today. I joined thinking it would be a place where parents (mostly moms) could turn to for advise and no judgement on their choices. However I have come to believe that there could never be such a place. We are so wrapped up in what we believe to be true that if someone disagrees they are automatically wrong even if there has been no real proff of what is the correct side. My husband is a very private man. I'm sure it drives him crazy that I am not a very private person. I am however learning to choose what I share with others wisely. I'm starting to believe that a lot of what we decide to act on as parents is no ones business. I was completely confident up until the other day on my choices. Now I'm questioning these choices because of some very harsh words of a stranger? A stranger! Come on! Really? So why do I feel this guilt when I know I am a great parent and my boys are perfectly fine? Why do people who feel so strongly about something end up turning into bullies? That is one thing they do not teach you in high school. Not everyone grows up! It's their way or the highway!

So today I unliked and am choosing to look deep into my heart once again and find that confidence I once had in regards to my choices. MY choices. No one elses. Except my husbands. He counts :) When will people actually agree to disagree and not hate? Is it really possible for people not to judge? I know this is something I am working on! I hope others are too...

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