I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Dear Hawks Police Helicopter,

Thank you so much for circling my general area at 3am for an hour. I'm sure our tax paying dollars are serving you very well at that hour. Also thank you for I'm assuming waking up my asshole neighbours who decided to yell and talk very loud at that hour as well.


Tired mom of two.

I'm sure I would have slept right through it all however baby was up for his night feeding at 3am. I usually have a hard time falling back asleep anyways but last night was super annoying. I think I finally fell asleep around 4am and was back up at 6 for another feeding. My goal was to get up then and go to the gym! HAHAHAHAHHA Who was I kidding! I was dead tired and my arm was bugging me. I do have all day. I will not beat myself down for being lazy this morning. I have every right to stay in bed! I will go tonight! Yes! And depending on the hour I just might take their yoga class!!!! That sounds like a fab idea! But my schedule will be based around baby! After the last two Passion Parties I have realized that baby is refusing to take a bottle so I can't just leave without feeding him prior to walking out the door. I don't worry too much about him missing one feed after 6pm. He's gone up to 12 hours without eating some nights. So I know he can handle waiting 4 hours for me. And of course if he's hungry enough he will eat. anyways I digress :)

Along with my gym venture I'm reading about this 21day cleanse. Now I'm not a religious person at all. I do however believe in a higher power and the energy of the universe and such. This book talks a lot about God. That kinda turns me off so I'm doing my best to change the idea of it. I know where she is coming from. This is a cleanse she learned when she was in rehab. Anyways I'm finally past the 3 or 4 chapters of intro and starting onto the what to do part. I need a journal well that's my blog :) and a prayer... ahhh hell. Now I have to search for a prayer that means something to me...

I am also to wake up 20 earlier (Ummm I don't really have a 'set' wake up time so what then?) then normal. So my plan is to set my alarm for 7:40. I usually have it set at 8 to get hubby up and then I go back to bed until one of the kids wake up. But I can do that. Or just stay up at 8! I'll have to play with my morning. I also have my 6ish wake up call from baby I could use. However she says to lay in bed and do some slow breathing exercises and thank yourself for this journey and life and such. I am then to spend some time in prayer and ask for guidance and strength. (If you know me you are probably having a good chuckle right about now) Once I feel good and awake I then start on with the morning practice! This I can do because it's similar to Train Your Brain ideas and mantras! This is where I need work. I can get up and pick my daily mantra, write it on my post it and place it around the house! She also has a few example questions to answer in the mornings to help create your day! So that part isn't so bad. It's the praying part. I need to get over my negative emotion towards the idea of praying. It's not like I've never prayed before. I have a lot. And it's only recently that I have begun to understand the meaning of faith! I am understanding that one may believe in God and I can believe in myself and the power of the universe and we can pray for the same thing! I believe that the power of what others call God lives inside each of us! Because it is our thoughts that create our world! It's our own power that makes miracles happen! As long as you believe in yourself!

She also talks a lot about your soul and ego and the difference between the two. How a lot of us let our ego's run our lives. This is another way of what Dana Wild calls our Unconscious Mind. Our set in beliefs. Habits!

I'm planning on reading the book once through before I start my cleanse. I'm a slow reader and I have to focus hard when I read or my mind wanders on me! This is something I'm changing! So read it once through and start the cleanse! I'm excited! Clear out my past thoughts so to make room for my new positive thoughts and mantras! I already know that works!

Easy right?

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