I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, an Independent Epircure Rep, accounting clerk, Mother and Wife! Full time job 24/7, I am learning to grow, share & love my way through life! Care to join me?

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dear Gym... I Love You

Yesterday I read someone asking what makes you motivated enough to the gym. Yesterday morning I got up at 4am to drive friends to the airport and I was feeling great. I got home around 5:30 for my baby's one night feeding. I finally layed down around 6:30 and was thinking how I should go to the gym. I didn't get up at go because I only got about 4 hours of sleep and should get some more. Of course it takes me about an hour to wind down from the morning feeds anyways and thought why not go after that? I could easily slip out from 6 to 7:30 and even have time for a shower before the house wakes up at 8am!

The question was: What mativates you to go to the gym that early?

Wanting to lose 20lbs. Get back into my size small clothes. Feel sexy again. I want to be able to look in the mirror and LOVE what I see. I don't even want my husband touching me because I don't think I'm anything to touch right now. How wrong is that? Who am I to deside what he would like anyways. But this I must work on in my head. I must learn to love my beautiful body!

So then I was sitting here right after another wonderful feed around 6:45 and thought why would I attempt to go in the morning when I can go right now while the hubby is home for the kids to save the $8? So I did! And I did again tonight. And I feel good. I love that hour to myself. I love feeling like I'm doing something to help me get to my goal. I guess not like I am doing something.

There's more to this I need to work on. I need to change my diet. I'm doing pretty good but I need to learn more about what will work best with my body to get the fastest results. I weighed myself two days ago and I was 147. Tonight I was 149 but I also had spegetti for dinner :S Oh so yummy :D And I'm feeling like I could eat again but I'm not sure what would be good at 9pm. I could have a glass of milk and some peanut butter on a few crackers or something. Anyways time to do some research.

I made it to the gym again! I'm very proud of this! I don't know how long it will take for me to love what I see but I know if I keep going 3 to 4 times a week and do my very very best to stay away from junk I will get there fast!


  1. Good! It feels amazing to feel like you're feeling good.

    I read most of these blog posts last night and I'm enjoying myself. Haha.

  2. Hey! My sister is (training to be) a holistic nutritionist, you should talk to her on the phone. She did an assessment on my cousin and she lost 10 lbs really quickly by changing just a few things.

